Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

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Jul 2017
10:32pm, 12 Jul 2017
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That's lovely to hear D.

*feels bad about grumpy post above*

I have signed up to an online training thing. I wasn't inspired by our local classes and found it difficult to generalise the skills we learned. Anyway the online thing involves lots of games and I was motivated by the enthusiasm of the 2 trainers. Ernie is responding well so far :)
Jul 2017
2:50am, 13 Jul 2017
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I'm surrounded by well behaved dogs this week. The hotel we're staying in at Orlando is hosting the 2017 National Convention of the 'National Federation of the Blind'. There's between 10 and 20 Guide Dogs in the lobby whenever we walk through, and a good 5 or so whenever we visit the food court. Mostly Labradors, but a few Alasations too!
Jul 2017
2:56am, 13 Jul 2017
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How excellent, Fergus!

And D2 - it is a truth widely acknowledged that we (usually) get the dogs we deserve. So there! Xxxx
Jul 2017
9:56am, 13 Jul 2017
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That's so lovely, D2. And Helegent and Jet.

Rory is having an odd week. At training on Tuesday he wasn't having any of it & spent the whole time either running round in circles or glued to me/one of the instructors. Yesterday he was a bit more engaged, but still quite wound up and distracted. At home he wants my attention constantly, but he's also quite restless and bitey (he's always bitey, but even more than usual). I feel like something's bothering him, but I can't think of anything that's changed since last week, when everything seemed fine. (He's also still fine during the day when I'm at work, and the dog walker hasn't mentioned anything - she usually does.) Bloody dog.
Jul 2017
10:01am, 13 Jul 2017
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Could it be some sort of separation anxiety perhaps? So he is being more clingy to you in the hope that you won't leave him, but still normal with the dog walker?

Or has something spooked him - have any neighbours perhaps got noisy builders/kids around this week that weren't there before?
Jul 2017
10:17am, 13 Jul 2017
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I have given up trying to understand Maz and a bit like kids if I cant tell what's wrong I decide that either, eventually I will know or "its just a phase". Remind me how old he is?
Jul 2017
10:28am, 13 Jul 2017
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The vet thinks somewhere between 1 and 2, D2. I'd say he acts more like he's closer to 1. (Actually what I tell people is that he's 'developmentally delayed' :-) Poor Rory.)

The only thing I can think of is that he ran off in the woods on Saturday and was gone for about half an hour and then we had to go to a vet he didn't know because he'd cut his face & they did take him off to wash it out. Maybe that's it?

'It's just a phase' is a phrase I repeat to myself quite a lot (as I remove another book/ hairbrush/ cushion...)
Jul 2017
10:36am, 13 Jul 2017
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Our Rory became known as Poor Rory too. Must be something to do with the name.

Mum's dog had a funny phase, lots of twitching and not settling. She had fleas but neither my mother or stepfather had noticed.

I imagine Rory scared himself when he ran off and now he's taking a wee while to calm down.
Jul 2017
10:36am, 13 Jul 2017
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I may have mentioned that I bought a Perfect-fit harness for Jet. It does fit - perfectly, unlike his previous harness which fitted where it touched, iynwim. Jet gets really excited and happy when we get it out. The woman who fitted it said that some dogs feel more secure in a harness and I think this may be the case.

Apart from the fact that his previous harness was falling apart, there was another reason why I bought Jet a new one. We had availed ourselves of a free diagnostic check from a K-9 agility-dog massage specialist and she said that Jet had intercostal trigger points, common in dogs that pull on a collar. We haven't done much else about this yet because we need a letter from the vet to allow the massage therapist to do her dog-physio, plus Jet made it very clear to the lady and to me that no-one was going to prod him 'there' thank you very much.

A few days after using the harness for walks instead of the lead I notice that Jet is now allowing me to touch the sore spots and he has just been zooming round the garden in a manner he hasn't done for a few weeks.

I wonder, just wonder... if this is part of the root of a couple of other issues? Jet was positively keen to go out for a walk with Mr this morning, once his harness was on.
Jul 2017
10:50am, 13 Jul 2017
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Sounds promising H, I remember having "physio" type massage on one of our horses once and his dressage and jumping improved dramatically afterwards.

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