Sep 2016
8:46am, 27 Sep 2016
3,812 posts
Red Ant
Poor Jess Likewise I didn't know about Piriton for dogs - I shall get some to keep in the cupboard.
Hope Jess is feeling better today.
Sep 2016
9:23am, 27 Sep 2016
2,926 posts
Alice the Camel
Our vet recommended Piriton for Charlie's itching over the summer - a 4mg tablet twice a day. I didn't give them to him though as they seemed to make him very sleepy. They also suggested Sudocrem and using baby shampoo or diluted HiBiScrub. Useful items to keep in the cupboard!
How's Jess today? Good job they were with someone so Mr GM could leave her to get the car. Was the tractor driver aware of what he'd done?
Sep 2016
9:27am, 27 Sep 2016
1,416 posts
Piriton and HiBiScrub are staples in our doggie cupboard!
Sep 2016
11:21am, 27 Sep 2016
3,468 posts
How is Jess today?
Sep 2016
4:18pm, 27 Sep 2016
5,986 posts
Hope we will get an update on Jess once the school day is over? Thinking of you all GM
Talking of school - we returned to dog school today. We are now in the 'Advanced' class. One of our former classmates has moved up with us, and the owners in the new class all seem very nice. I explained to our (new) teacher what Wanda had done in the holidays and she is going to build some useful exercises into this group for dogs who are reactive to others. Most of the exercises today appeared to be the sort of thing one might expect for the Gold Test, which I imagine some of the dogs are working towards. Once in the paddock Wanda was focussed and fine although she was a bit anxious going from the car to the paddock, mainly I think because I had got the muzzle on her (the idea being that school is somewhere she loves and is happy to be, so wearing the muzzle to 'fun' places helps her get used to it.) Anyway, she has now worked out how to hook one claw into the muzzle, flick it, and it comes off. *sigh* I can see we are going to be keeping the makers of primula cheese in business for some time yet.
On the positive side Wanda has been flat out asleep ever since we got back... and a tired dog is a good dog
Sep 2016
4:26pm, 27 Sep 2016
3,825 posts
Red Ant
He he he! Wanda is such a clever Glad she had a good time at class
Sep 2016
5:25pm, 27 Sep 2016
14,713 posts
Evening. Jess is fine now. Thanks for all the kind words and enquiries. She was very lethargic when I got up this morning, no tail wag or flick of the ears, but that will be the Piriton effect I think. Mr GM took her for a walk down the lane again and she enjoyed that, jumping in the dyke and getting muddy and soggy! She's asleep again now, but that is typical of her after a good walk 😃
Sep 2016
5:27pm, 27 Sep 2016
3,828 posts
Red Ant
That's great news
Sep 2016
7:19pm, 27 Sep 2016
5,987 posts
That's good to hear
Sep 2016
7:58pm, 27 Sep 2016
21,311 posts
Good news GM.
Do other people's dogs go slightly bonkers when it is windy? We've just been for our evening walk and Ernie was high as a kite.