May 2018
5:06pm, 23 May 2018
103,053 posts
And Lols at McLennne.
May 2018
5:06pm, 23 May 2018
18,622 posts
Wriggling Snake
Come on LD, kick his arse for him.
May 2018
5:07pm, 23 May 2018
18,623 posts
Wriggling Snake
Sorry, I meant to say, come on LD kick his arse for us!
May 2018
5:08pm, 23 May 2018
18,624 posts
Wriggling Snake
BTW, I am getting hammered in my game.
May 2018
5:21pm, 23 May 2018
5,598 posts
Iron Thigh Girl
Cobycobs is playing a long game, methinks.
May 2018
5:26pm, 23 May 2018
103,054 posts
Dochart's dishing out another inhumane thumping I see.
May 2018
5:26pm, 23 May 2018
23,843 posts
I'm losing this week - despite cycling back from the physio this afternoon the longest wiggliest route I could think of - including up and down a couple of cul de sacs, I think the residents thought I was casing the joints! It's just dawned on me that a large chunk of the left side of my grid is inaccessible due to a large building site and the motorway, so I'm losing badly there. I've only just realised that I should have shifted my home point quarter of a mile to the right to avoid this. I'll try and remember next week
May 2018
5:36pm, 23 May 2018
5,599 posts
Iron Thigh Girl
You can shift your home spot already now, HB. I don't think it matters when in the week you change it but you can only do so once every 7 days (which seems fair enough to stop people moving it every time they go a new place).
May 2018
5:44pm, 23 May 2018
33,446 posts
I'm down already 79-0 so I'm off out to at least try to get a couple of squares this week and not have a complete
May 2018
5:45pm, 23 May 2018
353 posts
Yeah, I tried a tactical shifting of my home point this afternoon hoping to snag some more squares, but didn't move it far enough Would be useful to be able to see the grid when setting it.