Nov 2018
2:07pm, 1 Nov 2018
6,338 posts
But folks with difficult home squares in WSW usually profit by being in the countryside and hoovering up conquersize
Nov 2018
2:27pm, 1 Nov 2018
4,057 posts
Just to throw my two-penneth in and come up with a suggestion that will be completely impractical and confusing and all that.
I like the idea of each player locking the first X (5 maybe?) squares that they change to their colour on any given day (or the first 5 squares of their colour that they pass through, including if they only change to their colour that day).
This at least gives the player getting trounced the opportunity to target some squares that they know will stay theirs for the week.
Nov 2018
2:44pm, 1 Nov 2018
3,416 posts
for Chrisity, half-mara champ + amazing wava When I’m obviously losing I try to just fill in the few unoccupied squares because it’s tidier, 😂 oh dear, & helps a bit overall. Probably wrong, don’t really understand the intricacies.
Nov 2018
4:03pm, 1 Nov 2018
17,948 posts
I suspect that most people have squares in their grid that aren't (legally and safely!) accessible. Moving the grid should be able to offset that in most cases though.
Nov 2018
4:13pm, 1 Nov 2018
26,037 posts
♪♫ ♪♫ Synge ♪♫ ♪♫
Spoken like a true dweller of the urban jungle, flanker!
Nov 2018
4:40pm, 1 Nov 2018
6,339 posts
Lol, Synge, more or less my reaction.
Nov 2018
6:35pm, 1 Nov 2018
15,673 posts
Too many posts to catch up on. Not being able to run for a couple more days thanks to a foot injury threatens me with my third defeat in a row.
Nov 2018
7:03pm, 1 Nov 2018
3,420 posts
to Carp’s foot.
I lost 6 in row recently, it can only cheer someone else up Much to chilly a wind for me to consider swimming but considering attempting to attach my device to those I see, in swimsuits, far out to sea, swimming 3k in my grid.
Nov 2018
7:30pm, 1 Nov 2018
16,334 posts
Had a nightmare when my Garmin showed low battery after 1/2 mile - this has given me 1 hour use before it goes off in the past, but today it was only half an hour. However i know that if i put it back on, it will run for a few seconds, up to 30 or so on a diminishing return, maybe i can restart it 7 or 8 times. So i then had to decide which squares i was going to count - there were 5 blanks that i needed to fill, but several that Maccatheknacca has 8 points in and weren't really important in the long run. I then followed a programme of running until the garmin went, then continuing without it to the next square or next turn before switching it back on again. By this progress i managed to get all but 6 of the 28 after it had first stopped and all the blanks on my WSW.
Not that it will matter, i know looming defeat when i see it.
Nov 2018
7:43pm, 1 Nov 2018
16,335 posts
And thanks for all your kind words, i really appreciate them. There is no doubt that retirement has given me a new lease of life (and a lot of time to run), as my training log for the last 7 years will show.