May 2021
5:07pm, 27 May 2021
98 posts
Forrest Jooligan
Can anyone answer a query re grid moves? I will be moving my grid Friday as I’m away. I know I’m then stuck with the new location once I next log some training for 7 days but is that 168 hrs? ie. I move my grid Friday lunchtime then go for a walk. Will I be able to move my grid in time to record a Friday evening run the following week?
May 2021
5:30pm, 27 May 2021
743 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
Yes, I moved my grid last Weds morning and the facility to move it back was available to me yesterday morning!
May 2021
7:02pm, 27 May 2021
99 posts
Forrest Jooligan
Excellent news. Thanks Jelly - I’m going to be unavoidably off-grid for a few days but that should limit my handicap at least.
May 2021
7:03pm, 27 May 2021
355 posts
@FJ - you've already won this week by quite some margin, so may as well move your grid early
May 2021
7:15pm, 28 May 2021
165 posts
Getting out therein a mo to try and claw a bit of respectability in this week's match😁
May 2021
8:09pm, 28 May 2021
2,753 posts
Good luck Wezza.... Oh hold on... 🙄
May 2021
9:48pm, 28 May 2021
166 posts
Thanks BarefootEm👍 That was a really nice run and actually didn't want to stop. Looks respectable now😁
May 2021
11:29pm, 30 May 2021
2,759 posts
Well Wezza, you got this one, well done! I've spent to much of this weekend out of grid! Good match!
May 2021
10:18am, 31 May 2021
167 posts
It's been a pleasure BarefootEm!! Shame you got yourself some.scrapes.. Nice to see you got out there this morning.
May 2021
10:45am, 31 May 2021
4,897 posts
Hello to Battlecat thank you for a great game, it’s completely worn me out & I’m done for this week. to you if you’re out there now!