Jun 2018
10:48am, 30 Jun 2018
2,646 posts
@kstuart: I guess you've recovered from your injury as you now have 60 squares!
Jun 2018
10:50am, 30 Jun 2018
13,961 posts
57-35 I might get there but I'm sure he'll go out this weekend
Jun 2018
10:50am, 30 Jun 2018
3,607 posts
Nah thats biking only so far i aim to go over the other roads tomorrow probably then i can see how much of the grid is bike reachable. I'll perhaps race a 10k wed evening and see how foot feels afterwards depending on how hot it is
Jun 2018
10:55am, 30 Jun 2018
1,891 posts
Elsie Too
I had a run planned for this morning but it would not have taken me into the lead so I opted for a lie in instead! I'm quite glad that the game has not totally taken over my common sense!!
Jun 2018
11:30am, 30 Jun 2018
3,002 posts
Can’t keep the action going much longer next week will be about short runs & longer rides out of grid. Today, I've been told, is about collecting seaweed to rescue our bone dry rubble/clay garden.
Jun 2018
11:32am, 30 Jun 2018
3,003 posts
Ouch, Evil Pixie, that’s a shame, hope it heals soon.
Right thing to do, Elsie Too,
Jun 2018
12:22pm, 30 Jun 2018
14,215 posts
been for a walk - in running shoes for comfort but still aware of foot wondered if a compeed would work? will bike tomorrow of may try a run stopped at Tesco and paused garmin then forgot to re-start grrr
Jun 2018
12:26pm, 30 Jun 2018
13,965 posts
How did you scratch it EP?
Jun 2018
12:40pm, 30 Jun 2018
14,216 posts
randomly it starts itching at night and I literally scratch it raw mainly whilst still asleep once I start itching I can't stop, little blisters appear and once they burst it soon stops itching but I have a raw patch on my foot now
happens less now
a couple of years ago I say a dispensing nurse - the cream she gave did little and she put it down to stress I'm not stressed now It was better when I was swim training for the swimathon and in the pool 3-5 times a week plus if I keep it soft by moisturizing (vaseline is cheapest and just as effective!) this seems to help it must be some kind of infection as had it for ages - doesn't spread and I can't identify a trigger like food drink or anything going to be extra careful this week as Ness and I have a half next Saturday
Jun 2018
12:49pm, 30 Jun 2018
14,217 posts
you can see past marks
keep meaning to see Dr .. then it won't itchy for a while then it does ....