Jun 2018
6:09pm, 25 Jun 2018
6,704 posts
Ah cheers. Not seen before or yellow ones
Jun 2018
6:41pm, 25 Jun 2018
1,690 posts
Looks like Jock Itch and myself uploaded almost simultaneously, very even so far!
(Luckily I checked what I'd written before hitting submit - I had typed K instead of J at the start of 'Jock' )
Jun 2018
6:44pm, 25 Jun 2018
34,054 posts
That happened to me, I think I may have got in first as there was definitely no score before I uploaded.
Jun 2018
6:51pm, 25 Jun 2018
34,055 posts
Okay, so answer this one please.
I went for a run and must have uploaded first. dirtbum loaded his bike ride after me. Some squares must have overlapped and have scores in red (me) of 2. The other red squares score 4 and the other black squares score 2.
If I loaded first then the bike should have scored 1 so the square score should be 3. If he'd loaded first, the square would be cake.
?? ??
Jun 2018
6:53pm, 25 Jun 2018
9 posts
@Cog, I was traveling midweek, got back in time to retake some of the squares you didn't put out of reach. This week with @alpenrose might be similar; gotta lay down some tracks while I can!
Jun 2018
7:12pm, 25 Jun 2018
14,170 posts
I assume running in this heat (27!) doubles the distance?!?
Jun 2018
7:34pm, 25 Jun 2018
3,606 posts
westmoors - erm my foot tendon inury might be being a pita again so been doing little recently. Think it was mud run i did other week as the thick sticky mud probably stretched it more than normal running. I have however dusted off my bike although i was intending to take it to shop for a service friday but may defer that til after payday in mid july as i also have my new laptop to pay for
Jun 2018
7:53pm, 25 Jun 2018
1,293 posts
ar - you loaded the first run, dirtbum loaded the first bike. Both score double for being the first of the particular activity today.
Jun 2018
8:29pm, 25 Jun 2018
923 posts
@Goofee It seems to me that you both scored double points for uploading first! 4 points in most squares (or have I got that wrong?)
Is the timing of the game only to the nearest hour? (from the Whostraining page Jock trained at 4pm , and similarly it looks like you went out at 4pm)
Jun 2018
8:33pm, 25 Jun 2018
13,952 posts
Love it. Just been out for 20 mins I wouldn't otherwise have. A nice round 10