Oct 2020
6:35am, 19 Oct 2020
4,739 posts
This is great spectator sport well done all & keep up the fight! I’m now 3 games down to Orange, there was never a chance after the first few days 😂
Oct 2020
7:26am, 19 Oct 2020
780 posts
Thanks GM. Yes, very good game. I changed my target area to avoid your squares after the last round, however the whole grid has been hotly contested. I agree with ferret, spectating is the way forward for a couple of weeks.
Oct 2020
7:31am, 19 Oct 2020
1,986 posts
That came could change the leader board
Oct 2020
7:38am, 19 Oct 2020
17,930 posts
Its down to others now and a nervous morning for me. Only one square of mine is at risk, but I see panad has probably set up enough squares that can be taken this morning to overhaul me and also bobbob I think shares enough squares on max points that if the other sharer(s) take a break would also knock me out.
I did alter my cycle route this morning just in case I get through with a slightly different target range and so that was nice to have a wee change of scenery
Oct 2020
7:48am, 19 Oct 2020
386 posts
Funky Chicken
Looks like the maximum squares I could end the round on would be 10, if I run, walk and bike this morning, but even with some last minute changes in the top 8, I’m not going to make it above 10th place, so am treating today as a much-needed rest day. This game has been interesting and fun, but also pretty brutal, and I suspect I would have succumbed to injury if I continued into the final 8! Good luck all those who have secured their top spots, and to the folks who are still in contention for one.
Oct 2020
9:11am, 19 Oct 2020
18,278 posts
I've been awake since 4am. I decided to *give* macca our shared square but to fight bobbob for our cake and hope that it would be enough since the top 8 will need to go out and do it all again this afternoon. I went out as soon as it got light and now it's a waiting game. 9:10am and it feels like lunchtime 🤣
Oct 2020
9:13am, 19 Oct 2020
799 posts
Always the best part of the week seeing the final attempts being made. Nice work everyone
Oct 2020
9:17am, 19 Oct 2020
17,932 posts
I was in the odd position that I couldn't really make any difference this morning. I did my usual cycle and will hold it back for this afternoon. I did stop off at 2 points to register a walk but not sure if that will make any difference. Just waiting now
Oct 2020
9:19am, 19 Oct 2020
5,449 posts
Alice the Camel
Exciting stuff, well done and thanks to all multiplayers!
Oct 2020
9:46am, 19 Oct 2020
2,095 posts
I *have* been out this morning but I only upload once a day, in the evening, by rule (once I’ve done everything and after work, dinner etc) so this morning’s run won’t count for this weeks matches and I don’t expect to still be in the multiplayer game by then. As such had a lovely run knowing it would count for the start of a new match and did 12miles of deciding which way to go every time I came to a path junction in the woods ❤️ (And found a few more chanterelles to boot )
Enjoy the next multiplayer round whichever of you are (un)lucky enough to get through!
Sorry I probably wasn’t much competition this last week funkyPOM - I’m looking forward to continuuing my way down the rankings 😉