Oct 2020
6:28pm, 14 Oct 2020
19,885 posts
I used to believe that it was the time of the exercise that counted, not the date of upload. I'm sure I once only got half a bike ride into the game when I set off before noon and returned in the afternoon.
Oct 2020
6:46pm, 14 Oct 2020
380 posts
Funky Chicken
What's that you say Chris about counting chickens...?
I currently seem to be cooped up in the battle lines between Snail and AJPAR - this might not have been the best week to move my grid!
Oct 2020
7:09pm, 14 Oct 2020
17,894 posts
yeah. my 3 points per square per day isnt enough unless I am really lucky with my choice of route. Unless some of this weeks players give up I wont go any further
Oct 2020
7:12pm, 14 Oct 2020
11,238 posts
Little Nemo
Well done on your Ocho badge, SooWoo!
Don't think I'll make it back into Multiplayer, it's all too competitive now and I'm stuck around position 200+. I've found my level
Oct 2020
10:47pm, 14 Oct 2020
19,886 posts
Since yesterday I have gained one square thanks to swimming - own 11, drawn with max points on 14. Unless some kind person throws in the towel, or takes a wrong turning, 11 is going to be my fate at mid-day on Monday.
Oct 2020
12:01am, 15 Oct 2020
233 posts
ChrisHB - don't worry - even politicians have borrowed the famous quote ".... that a week is a long time in WSW...." !
Oct 2020
12:09am, 15 Oct 2020
19,888 posts
And I may decide to spare my knees, so some of you can be horrid enough to hope for that.
Oct 2020
5:47am, 15 Oct 2020
1,900 posts
So much cake on the board!
Oct 2020
6:42am, 15 Oct 2020
231 posts
So many maximum scores (excluding swimming). This is full on!!!
Oct 2020
7:40am, 15 Oct 2020
17,897 posts
lol. looks like the night hawks nicked squares from each other and I have gone from 10th to 9th overnight and my morning cycle pushed me up to 8th. There may be hope yet of making the last 8. However my bike chain was making concerning noises when going uphill in lower gears. hm