May 2020
5:12pm, 22 May 2020
45,414 posts
Aaargh!! Abort! Abort!
May 2020
5:12pm, 22 May 2020
48,964 posts
What’s wrong?
May 2020
5:12pm, 22 May 2020
24,072 posts
Cmd-Z! Cmd-Z!
Should be ok now.
May 2020
7:01pm, 22 May 2020
370 posts
Daddy Shark
It's looking very like you've got this RRR-CAZ. Sore knee due to injury sustain building a tunnel from a chicken coop to a chicken run. I'm not doing a Jelfs yet, but I'm not hopeful.
May 2020
7:20pm, 22 May 2020
5,223 posts
I'm taking a break this week, but I still hope to be doing a Jelfs later if I play my cards right.
May 2020
7:36pm, 22 May 2020
5,747 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
May 2020
7:58pm, 22 May 2020
3,702 posts
Take it easy DS I had been waiting for a WSW score to come in. Late shift over the weekend so my miles will not be mighty as I will be too knackered for work. Plan to do enough to keep daily miles required for the Tennessee 1000km challenge.
Hope it is just a twinge DS and a all will be good in the morning.
May 2020
6:19pm, 23 May 2020
11,805 posts
Jelfs is “taking it easy” ahead of the Centurion event next year apparently. Just went for a 26.6 mile run instead of the 40+ last weekend...
May 2020
6:53pm, 23 May 2020
50,106 posts
Blimey, what a slacker.
May 2020
6:55pm, 23 May 2020
5,230 posts
(he did spend a lot of yesterday shifting rocks from the back garden to the skip out front, that sort of thing can really take it out of a chap)