May 2011
10:19am, 28 May 2011
1,192 posts
pigeon curry anyone?? clever boy!
May 2011
6:45pm, 28 May 2011
531 posts
At least it wasn't someone's racing pigeon! Merlin managed to catch one once. Poor thing didn't survive but managed to get a message to its owners in London that it had been mauled by a cat (no mention that it was ours)!
May 2011
7:46pm, 28 May 2011
4,291 posts
So glad my cat is too old to catch anything!!
I have had to pull a chair out from the table so that she can jump up and reach her bed, and sometimes I put a chair near the windowsill so she can jump up and look out. The vet told me yesterday that she may have some arthritis in her back legs.
Tonight I saw her leap a 6' fence in a single bound to chase off a HUMUNGOUS tom cat that likes to use our garden as a toilet!! Old and arthritic??? I don't think so, just BLOODY LAZY!!!! :):)
May 2011
8:17am, 29 May 2011
7,445 posts
Lol! Our cat sits outside the catflap and meows until one of the children pushes it open for him. He's perfectly capable of opening it himself!
May 2011
8:47am, 31 May 2011
174 posts
Q Mac
icklevee, indeed, never blessed with one so poured love into the other
Jun 2011
1:20am, 1 Jun 2011
234 posts
Q Mac, I totally understand. I refer to mine as the children or kids, but those who don't know me look quizzickly at me after a while, & it slowly dawns on them that mine have 4 legs :-D
Jun 2011
1:38am, 1 Jun 2011
1,227 posts
I was asleep until half hour ago when tommy came in through bathroom window making a funny mew and plonked a live mouse on my bedroom floor I could see it was breathing but kind of hiding it's face between it's front feet. I moved tommy out the way and picked the mouse up in a t shirt. Cute little thing it was. I have put it on front lawn and locked tommy in. The mouse scurried off
Jun 2011
1:41am, 1 Jun 2011
236 posts
Yeah RMO3B, you saved a little (mousey) life. Maybe Tommy thought you'd like a new pet!
Jun 2011
8:49am, 1 Jun 2011
213 posts
Q Mac
icklevee, it is quite funny when you talk of them so affectionately and lovingly and people naturally assume they are humans (well to us they are much better!) Simples has a new trick, playing with hair at 0400 to be let out - must be the lighter mornings! Still can't be angry at her though. Just hope the other 4 don't take notice - I'll be bald soon otherwise
Jun 2011
9:01am, 1 Jun 2011
1,228 posts
Haha qmac! My oldest cat Molly (the late daisys daughter) has started sleeping above my head now and then ( I have 2 pillows I pull the top one towards me leaving a gap on the pillow below above my head for her) daisy used to do that especially in her last few weeks. And she spent her last 48 hrs there so it makes me happy when Molly goes there
I still cry every now and then over daisy she has definately left a hole in my life x