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Weight training for numpties

12 watchers
Jun 2013
5:32pm, 18 Jun 2013
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This is very generic advice and really important to work out your own strengths and areas for development but you would go too far wrong with the follow;

3 sets of each (60 secs rest or so between each set) with the first 2 sets to overload (the point at which you feel you could only do perhaps 1-2 more repititions) and the final set to failure (you tried to complete a rep but couldn't or your range of movement was dramatically reduced)

* Press Ups
* Chin Ups - using chair to support or the counter balance machine in the gym
* Dips - I prefer full body dips from parallel bars rather than isolated tricep dips again you could use a counter balance in the gym - but if not then tricep dips from chair
* Inverted rows

+ Core routine (which I won't go into as its less relevant to your question)

Will try to find a video for the dips and inverted rows - both relatively simple in terms of technique and no gym required if you can't get there everyday.

15-20 minutes max, every other day is a decent start.
Jun 2013
6:13pm, 18 Jun 2013
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Mrs Winkle
I do weights with my PT each week - we do a variety of things, but the basics would be bicep curls perhaps with a lunge, row, squat press, chin ups (ouch!), lat pull down. I use fairly heavy weights (to some it will be nothing) so that I get results - so bicep curls with 7kg dumbells, row with 20kg, lat pull down with 30-35kg and I'm managing about 75% of my body weight on chin ups. It's taken time to get results, but I'm starting to really notice some sculpting on my back and abs, as well as the usual arm stuff. I feel so much stronger when I run too.

If you can, it might be worth seeing a PT - I definitely lift much heavier weights when I am with mine that I would if alone.
Jun 2013
7:20pm, 18 Jun 2013
5,363 posts
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Sheri, if you want to build upper body strength you could do a lot worse than rock climbing. Cairngorm Club used to have a really active climbing group based in the city and climbing once a week on the cliffs north and south. MrsC and I haven't been for quite a while (kids are too young at the moment) but I'm sure I could put you in touch with someone if you were interested.

MrsC hates gyms with a passion but she used to have beautifully defined upper body muscles purely from climbing (alright, I know I'm biased).
Jun 2013
7:35pm, 18 Jun 2013
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Indoor climbing is pretty much the only resistance work that I do. But it doesn't quite fit the "can be done at home" criterion.
Jun 2013
9:41am, 19 Jun 2013
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I do fancy indoor climbing, actually, I've been thinking about going for a while. I got as far as looking up the prices etc, but not as far as actually going. Hopefully will soon :)
Jun 2013
10:02am, 19 Jun 2013
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I'd highly recommend it, Sheri. It's good fun, and as well as building your upper body in a functional sort of way it's also great for balance and joint position sense. Bad for the skin of your hands, though!

Running complements indoor climbing, or any other sort of climbing, very well. Most good climbers also run.

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Maintained by sheri3004
I want to build my upper body strength a bit, since it is feeble and puny at the moment. Also, I not...
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