Ultra Marathons

1 lurker | 465 watchers
Feb 2017
8:15pm, 3 Feb 2017
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Yeah, it's a bit boring, but getting stuff that's comfortable and doesn't chafe, and having a shoe strategy that will last you for 100 miles will both give you a better race and an easier recovery from it.
Feb 2017
8:20pm, 3 Feb 2017
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
I think it was Robbie Britton, but it could have been anyone, who said for a 5k/10k/Half/Marathon you can get kit wrong, but for a long race you really need to minimise the margin of error. If it doesn't work, bin it.
Feb 2017
8:26pm, 3 Feb 2017
222 posts
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Sounds about right. My second L100 was pretty miserable for a lot of kit related reasons I could have fixed: crap headtorch, shoes that hurt after 30 miles, backpack that couldn't fit water bottles!
Feb 2017
5:14pm, 4 Feb 2017
16,786 posts
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I'd reckon about 3 months to fully recover assuming you ran it to your max.

There's a difference between being able to run well again and fully recover...
Feb 2017
5:33pm, 4 Feb 2017
11,319 posts
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Thanks flanker, however I have another question, can you run a 100-miler at anything other than your max?
Feb 2017
5:38pm, 4 Feb 2017
858 posts
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I'd say yes. If you give up and 'just finish' :) To remain working at your best at each stage is the toughest part
Feb 2017
6:15pm, 4 Feb 2017
16,787 posts
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I'd agree. Depends if you are running to finish or running to set a time.
Feb 2017
6:31pm, 4 Feb 2017
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Thanks, really helpful.
Feb 2017
6:56pm, 4 Feb 2017
1,776 posts
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I've only done one of my 100s at close to max. I went through 50 miles in 8:47, struggled a bit to get to 75 in 14:50 and then took nearly 8 hours for the last 25 to finish in 22:40 Not good pacing and I was in a bad way.

I did the Thames path 100 this year and was doing ok until a lame muddy fall at 75 miles. I was slower than the year before and it was planned as leg 1 of 4 for the grandslam so essentially walked it in to finish 20 minutes inside the 24 hour mark. I had a hamstring niggle so didn't risk pushing the last 20 miles for little potential gain (23:03 in 2015) I just wanted a finish so took it fairly easy/conservatively.
Feb 2017
6:58pm, 4 Feb 2017
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Ok, onto pacing.... Some people say go out 'hard', bank the miles and then walk it out.

I've never done a 100 but all my other racing distances banking time has never worked, even 800 metres!

What's the views on pacing a 100?

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