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UK Athletics registration

4 watchers
Aug 2023
1:59pm, 18 Aug 2023
First-time poster!!
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You need UKA registration to get a reduced entry fee to events, and I have Masters event that is asking for registration and an athlete registration number. What's the situation with Fetcheveryone members on this?
Aug 2023
2:07pm, 18 Aug 2023
45,823 posts
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we are a club too so you can join FERC with UKA and get the discount
Aug 2023
2:08pm, 18 Aug 2023
4,641 posts
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Hi Veggie, welcome to Fetch. Signing up to the website does not get you EA membership, but joining the club does fetcheveryone.com/ferc.php
Aug 2023
8:32am, 25 Aug 2023
47,576 posts
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Is that right? Usually when I join a club that doesn't get me registration to the UKA (or regional Athletics body), I have to join that separately?

£10 - 30? There are events that require you to be in an affiliated club, but not in UKA (EA, SA, other As are available!) e.g. Regional cross country

£19 if in a club, £33 if not for SA There are events that require you to be in both a club and UKA / EA / SA etc. e.g. most national cross country, track and field, national events etc.

For the £2 discount for most races, you need to be in UKA / EA / SA etc. but not in a club (I don't think you need to be in club.)

Finally, perhaps some clubs (does FERC do this?) include the UKA / EA / SA membership in their fees? If so, I would expect it to be greater than £30 to include cost of both?

Someone will be along shortly to tell me that's all bobbins! :-) G
Aug 2023
8:49am, 25 Aug 2023
34,623 posts
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Old Croc
Our club used to include SA membership but changed a few years ago. Now the member sorts their own SA membership - when we used to do it for them it was a case of them paying us and us then paying SA so it was double effort. As a result our club membership is £10 per year and whatever the cost of SA membership changes to the athlete pays that direct.
Aug 2023
8:54am, 25 Aug 2023
21,804 posts
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If your event asks for UKA reg. you definitely need it. Most, (all I think) Masters events do - you can't enter without it. Some clubs include as part of their annual fee but you can purchase separately. As Pix says above, Fetch's own club - FERC - includes it.

There's no getting round it and if you want to appear on Po10, then you need reg!

You can join as many clubs as you want (I have first and second claim PLUS a Masters club) but you only need one UKA or similar.

Incidentally Masters club membership generally means cheaper event entry.
Mar 2024
4:55pm, 15 Mar 2024
23,518 posts
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Probably the wrong thread for this, but didn't think it deserved a new one setting up.

Does anyone know if there are any hard / fast rules about county / regional representation changes, including across different disciplines?

Say you were born and raised in Hampshire, ran for Hampshire as a kid and also in the Intercounties as an adult. You then went to live in Yorkshire and joined a club there, but still ran in the Hampshire county champs and earned a Hants vest again for the intercounties. If you then ran as part of a club team in the Yorkshire road relay champs in the same year, have you caused an issue for your team? And could you also run for Yorkshire as a county rep for fell races, but still run for Hampshire as an county rep for XC?
Mar 2024
5:06pm, 15 Mar 2024
22,428 posts
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I do know you have to be careful. I got in trouble for competing for two clubs in the same season - they were in different divisions but deemed to be part of the same league.

I only really know about track and field but assume XC will be similar. If - for instance - one of my clubs didn't have a track team I could run road races and XC with that one and do track with the other. Fell races and XC sound a 'bit' similar to each other ...
Mar 2024
5:08pm, 15 Mar 2024
1,966 posts
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Larkim - I don't know if it's the same for all aspects of the sport.

I know for county marathon championships you either have to have been born in the relevant county. Or have lived there for 9 months. You can't run for more than one county in any 12 month period....you might need to verify that.

A club secretary will know.

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Maintained by Veggie
You need UKA registration to get a reduced entry fee to events, and I have Masters event that is asking for registration and an athlete registration number. What's the situation with Fetcheveryone members on this?
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