10 Mar
6:23am, 10 Mar 2025
5,748 posts
Rob I do use garmin connect so will have a look later at it thanks for tip. Good news you have got rid of manflu and I am sure those few pounds will disappear. I like slate medals I have a few and a wooden one which I like.
Shades: £15 for a medal is over priced.
10 Mar
6:28am, 10 Mar 2025
4,605 posts
I didn’t do one after Seville, but I did a very gentle 3 miles this morning. Really nice out there.
Heading back to U.K. today and staying a friend’s tonight.
Forgot to say that I saw Adam Holland a couple of times on the course, on the 2 loop/out-and-back sections. First time he was in second at around 1hr in but he didn’t look comfortable, whereas the guy in first seemed to be cruising at that point. Second time was around 2.5hrs in and he was way back in probably 30th position and basically jogging, finishing in 3:16. I think he was hoping to win for a 3rd time but obviously not his day - winner was 2:32. Don’t know how he does it as he flew in Saturday after a fast parkrun near Gatwick, and flew home Sunday after the race. I’d find that stressful on its own!
I was briefly chatting to two separate Brits on the course and they said that 3 years ago it was raining, cold, fog and some sleet. One commented that she couldn’t remember the course too well….as she couldn’t see it last time!
Here’s one of Fizz, Paul and I before the start. Caught up with them afterwards and they were pleased with their times - just over 5hrs. They’re going to recommend it for a club trip; it’s got a lot to offer as there are race distances to suit everyone, but for me personally there’s not a huge amount to do in Paphos itself, so for me 3 nights has been enough (they’ve come for a week as there’s weekly flights from Bristol, but I didn’t want to stay a week this time). If I was to come again I’d consider staying a bit longer and hiring a car to see more though. No ‘driving on the wrong side’ worries as they drive on the left here, use U.K. plugs. I have enjoyed it and I’m glad I came out, but Paphos itself is too touristy for me to want to stay much longer in this particular town. Even though touristy, the food has been very good though. And the ice cream too
10 Mar
8:08am, 10 Mar 2025
6,478 posts
Ian - no change in the forecast for Llanelli yet, except it's dropped back to 'feels like 1' again at race start time. I don't think they do much on the forecast apps over a weekend, unless a storm is coming. Should have more reliable info by midweek. The course at Great Welsh is very exposed so the wind is always stronger, etc. than the forecast as it's coastal.
WP - I agree, £15 is a lot for a medal, but that company usually has big fancy medals, some are gross.
Big G - good to see you getting back to the recovery runs 😉
I would have been very surprised if Adam had won the marathon yesterday, I think he's just been doing a lot of short stuff.
That's a lovely photo. Would be a good choice for club trip.
Recovery run from me too today, 6 miles. Perfect running weather, calm and 10 degrees. I have no DOMS just a little overall tiredness.
10 Mar
8:41am, 10 Mar 2025
6,480 posts
WP - the other Infinity event I ran in 2021 at Parc Bryn Bach, lovely venue.
10 Mar
8:53am, 10 Mar 2025
5,749 posts
Ah I have never run there or visited but the hospice of the valleys put on some events there.It does looks beautiful venue.
Sounds a good recovery run.I would think more idea of weather mid week for the Great Welsh.
4 mile run this morning and we had rain a heavy shower then just drizzle.achilles is a 6 this morning.
10 Mar
9:02am, 10 Mar 2025
6,481 posts
WP - it is a lovely venue, would happily do another event there.
Good the achilles allowed you to run today.
I've just pinned 2 more weather websites to my tab bar. Both are showing more favourable temperatures for the weekend, still too cold for me but an improvement, so hoping might get even better.
10 Mar
7:00pm, 10 Mar 2025
616 posts
8m after work today,definitely starting to feel a lot fitter now,heart rate was very low so decided to up the effort and it felt smooth going a bit faster.
10 Mar
8:29pm, 10 Mar 2025
617 posts
Comrades released most of the answers,it is still gun time,but each wave finishes in a different chute to get your time and medal.It has seemed to calm everyone down now full details have been released.
11 Mar
7:37am, 11 Mar 2025
6,488 posts
Ian - you must be feeling good for Sunday's marathon then.
Reassuring Comrades seem to have addressed all the runners' concerns.
Big G - I read Adam's Cyprus report on FB, he'd won the race twice before. Catalogue of poor race prep, travelling late, lack of sleep, food and drink.
Change in the weather today, bitter NE wind back and very cold. Despite being warmly dressed my legs hated it and just shut down, only managed just shy of 6 miles.
I'm pretty sure I shan't be running Great Welsh, I don't do marathons if it's less than 10 degrees, haven't done so for 15 years or so and as I get older I do feel the cold even more. I haven't cancelled my hotel yet...just in case 😉
11 Mar
8:06am, 11 Mar 2025
10 posts
Just popping in as haven't posted in ages! Training has gone relatively well, running around the same paces as I did in the lead up to Newport, so figure I'm in 3:05 shape given good conditions.
Like Shades said though, Llanelli is looking like it'll be chilly and maybe windy, but I'll see what it's like on the day.