Cats in Boxes

7 lurkers | 101 watchers
Feb 2022
7:39pm, 26 Feb 2022
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Mum's teddy
Feb 2022
8:15pm, 26 Feb 2022
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Feb 2022
9:21pm, 26 Feb 2022
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Salem is just so casually cool, isn't he?

Or is NDW Dave: a seriously good capturer of Salem ;)
Feb 2022
11:30pm, 26 Feb 2022
9,025 posts
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Black cats are cool.
That's just science.
Feb 2022
8:40pm, 27 Feb 2022
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Feb 2022
1:32pm, 28 Feb 2022
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Aw, saw this out in a walk today

Feb 2022
1:38pm, 28 Feb 2022
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Bel, the youngest of the honds, has really discovered a taste for cat litter :(
(could be worse of course, could be a taste for cat)

We're not quite ready to move the litter box back to the downstairs loo where it'll be safe from prying snoots, though.

Apart from that, integration is going well. Cats are getting bolder at leaving the craftorium.
Feb 2022
5:18pm, 28 Feb 2022
1,303 posts
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Raemond - Bel's not eating it I hope? That can indicate underlying conditions so would be worth getting checked out.
Feb 2022
5:58pm, 28 Feb 2022
9,031 posts
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She snuffles the truffles out of it.

In all other ways her behaviour is normal and her own poops are unchanged.
Laika, the oldest one, is the same. Loves to eat a sneaky other species poop when she gets the opportunity. Fox, cow, horse... She'll sample them all. We keep our eyes peeled when walking to make sure she doesnt get many opportunities.

We know that Laika has a heart condition, growing cateracts, and a very fine collection of fatty lumps, so she's the vet quite regularly and periodically has tests for things to make sure she's not getting any worse, so I'm confident it's nothing more sinister than being a rescue who got accustomed to eating absolutely anything that stayed still long enough and now has really distorted tastes.

I know that it can cause complications for them, though so we don't just let them treat litter box as a self filling bonbon tray, but while the cats were in just the one room there wasn't anywhere dog proof to keep it.
Feb 2022
5:58pm, 28 Feb 2022
9,032 posts
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She snuffles the truffles out of it.

In all other ways her behaviour is normal and her own poops are unchanged.
Laika, the oldest one, is the same. Loves to eat a sneaky other species poop when she gets the opportunity. Fox, cow, horse... She'll sample them all. We keep our eyes peeled when walking to make sure she doesnt get many opportunities.

We know that Laika has a heart condition, growing cateracts, and a very fine collection of fatty lumps, so she's the vet quite regularly and periodically has tests for things to make sure she's not getting any worse, so I'm confident it's nothing more sinister than being a rescue who got accustomed to eating absolutely anything that stayed still long enough and now has really distorted tastes.

I know that it can cause complications for them, though so we don't just let them treat litter box as a self filling bonbon tray, but while the cats were in just the one room there wasn't anywhere dog proof to keep it.

About This Thread

Maintained by Corrah
All the cat people out there know that cats love boxes, so go on then and lets see you feline friend. Boxes optional :) This is the cat appreciation thread along with Miaow, Purr, Yawn!

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