New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek

1 lurker | 142 watchers
Aug 2020
1:32pm, 5 Aug 2020
4,257 posts
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Well done running ronnie.
Aug 2020
1:37pm, 5 Aug 2020
81 posts
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Great hiding Running Ronnie!

Has anyone kept track of the top (say) 5 or 10 since the start? It'd be nice to have a league table.
Aug 2020
1:38pm, 5 Aug 2020
733 posts
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Sam Jelfs
You were well hidden RunningRonnie

Aug 2020
2:26pm, 5 Aug 2020
51,727 posts
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I added a feature request:

Hide and Seek - when a person is found, can the notification tell us which square they were found in? Also, can the grid numbers be changed so that they are numbered 1-40 from the bottom left on both the horizontal and vertical axes, as per a graph?
Aug 2020
2:31pm, 5 Aug 2020
7,000 posts
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Good suggestion Dio, I've upvoted it.
Aug 2020
2:45pm, 5 Aug 2020
19,192 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
As per a map?
Aug 2020
2:47pm, 5 Aug 2020
19,193 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
I don't think we should be told what squares people were in though. I think the air of mystery is one of the best bits of this game (along with the fact it only lasts less than a week each month).
Aug 2020
3:16pm, 5 Aug 2020
51,728 posts
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yes, and a map
Aug 2020
3:17pm, 5 Aug 2020
1,939 posts
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Two features in one Dio?

I'm with AC on the first part - it's a game of chance and telling us who was hiding where would, for me, detract from the fun element next time. As regards labelling of the squares, I see where the purists would be coming from but it really doesn't make any difference. It's a 'Meh' overall from me.
Aug 2020
3:42pm, 5 Aug 2020
221 posts
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I see him

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
Here's the barebones of the new game:

How it works
The game generates a big three mile square with you at the centre. The square is cut into a grid of 1600 smaller squares.

During any given, unlock as many squares from your grid as possible (C19 permitting) by visiting them during your training. These are the places where you can 'hide'. Before the month is up, you must choose one of these squares as your hiding place.

When the first game kicks off (1st of the month), a lone seeker must start finding people, by visiting the squares. When someone is found, they become a seeker too. The seekers can then collaborate to flush out the hiders, and a growing army of seekers hunt down the final hiders.

The last person to be found will become the seeker for the following month.

I am still building the game. Keep following this thread for updates as I make them.

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