Oct 2019
11:11am, 14 Oct 2019
41,581 posts
My opponent very kindly did the Royal Parks Half which is clearly off his grid so unless he logs summat else in the next 49 mins, I've chalked up a win.
Oct 2019
11:14am, 14 Oct 2019
108 posts
Daddy Shark
Yes ♪♫ Egnys ♪♫, it's very possible.
Oct 2019
11:39am, 14 Oct 2019
22,832 posts
Fingers crossed, the following should happen:
11.57 current multimatch winner decided 11.58 new multimatch created 11.59 current 1v1 matches decided 12.00 new 1v1 matches created
Oct 2019
11:43am, 14 Oct 2019
684 posts
Not only is it possible, but was done though it ending up being futile!
Well done Macca!
At the start of today I had a slim lead of 101-94. What can happen in the next 12 hours?
It seems Macca logged some sort of activity at 2am or so, and the score became 122-74 in Macca's favour. I planned a run to bring it back to 101-94 my way, and with a bike ride to get some extra I could have made it 111-99.
Alas, some more activities by Macca before I got finished my run and I'm now 141-69 down. He had bolstered many of the squares I'd target that I needed 3 to win (2 to draw), or needed 2 to swap over to my side, or needed 1 to go from a tie into my win column. Loaded my run and it's made the score 124-79 for Macca. Even with my bike ride it wouldn't have been enough.
I've unhidden my training. This week my in-grid activities were limited to just runs.
Oct 2019
11:49am, 14 Oct 2019
685 posts
Congrats again to Macca!
Final grid, score 124-79:
My grid coverage:
Oct 2019
11:54am, 14 Oct 2019
29,386 posts
♪♫ Egnys ♪♫
Interesting stuff - thanks for sharing this, JCB. And well played, both!
Oct 2019
11:59am, 14 Oct 2019
45,604 posts
I was macca's victim in the 1v1 this week. It would have been hideous anyway, but since I was ill most of the week it was slaughter.
Oct 2019
12:01pm, 14 Oct 2019
109 posts
Daddy Shark
A really great match for the multiplayer final. Well done both. Congratulations Maccatheknacca
Oct 2019
12:02pm, 14 Oct 2019
20 posts
Is it possible to view the map under the grid in multiplayer in any way? I end up having to flick between 1v1 and MP views to see where i need to target?
Oct 2019
12:03pm, 14 Oct 2019
110 posts
Daddy Shark
Not to my knowledge Shabs. I screenshot both and place them side by side on one screen if things get serious.