Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

107 watchers
Jul 2018
11:22pm, 9 Jul 2018
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One of the exercises in our training last Saturday was to put 10 treats in our right hand, show the dog, then make a fist, when they look / back away using the other hand take one treat and feed.

Leave treat hand open but if dog attempts to take one close fist and repeat. Apparently its to teach self control. ;)

It was interesting to see the different breeds in the class attempt this exercise!
Jul 2018
11:52pm, 9 Jul 2018
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
Belle (who is missing the daily football badly and only just coping with a bit of tennis in the interim) is a Collie with no interest in stealing. Our previous Collie, Moss, in tandem with Barny (German Shepherd/ Golden Retreiver cross) was an inveterate bin thief. Moss could also open doors (with his teeth) so even putting the bin in another room didn't always work. No two dogs ever had such obvious 'we know we are in trouble' faces, so I'd always know that the bin contents were strewn as soon as I saw the two of them.
Jul 2018
8:37am, 10 Jul 2018
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Wanda has quite good self control around treats where she knows that the treat will come to her eventually - or indeed around her food. I put her bowl down and say 'wait' and she can't eat it until I say 'good girl'. I also used to do a recall exercise at class where she would sit a few feet away from me and between us I would place a chair with either a sausage or lump of cheese it and then call her - she had to come directly to me without taking the treat.

The trouble is, once she perceives the 'exercise' to be over she will then go and look for anything may have been dropped or left behind - and I think that's where the searching of the kitchen work surfaces comes from - dinner has been served up, but let me check you didn't drop anything!!
Jul 2018
9:54am, 10 Jul 2018
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Jet does well at the 'leave it' command for treats on the floor etc. He knows that we mean 'wait' and he's quite good at delayed gratification.

But if there's any chance that he won't get the prize, even if he waits... ;-)
Jul 2018
10:52am, 10 Jul 2018
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Alice the Camel
BBL’s comment applies to Charlie too. I can also remember at training class, when he was just a few months old, him being taught to sniff out a treat from under a row of identical upturned bowls. I suspect he’d have managed it without training though.
Jul 2018
11:26am, 10 Jul 2018
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I suspect you are right, and that most self-respecting scavengers would do the same :-)

Incidentally we've had all the back doors open over the last week so Jet has had unrestricted access to the back garden.

Even without the added excitement of waiting for the door to be opened he has been quartering the ground and letting out little helps of excitement as he's followed the trails. Yelp - a cat, yelp - a snail track, yelp - a different cat, yelp- a butterfly. All accompanied by manic tail wagging. And all from a dog who was from a 'silent' litter.

I'm hoping that he will revert to silence once the children go home and we have the house back.
Jul 2018
1:26pm, 10 Jul 2018
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Flossie decided she needed to reclaim her food theft crown. I left half a packet of Jaffa cakes on the dresser - quite high up - when I went for my swim this morning.

I came back to a very well licked wrapper (so well licked the orange colour has all gone :-0) I know there's some chocolate on Jaffa cakes but I doubt if there's enough to harm an iron-stomached Labrador.
Jul 2018
2:12pm, 10 Jul 2018
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Ernie's scavenger credentials are not quite on a par with the others but he has tendencies. He can do the impulse control training beautifully but in real life not so much.
Jul 2018
3:54pm, 10 Jul 2018
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#WorldCupWanda has her playlist sorted...
Jul 2018
12:24pm, 11 Jul 2018
4,117 posts
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I'm not a dog owner myself but often lurk here, as I love reading about all your doggie escapades and I thought this picture might be appreciated here :)

It was taken on land owned and maintained by a local Woodland Trust. The bench is made from recycled pallets and is one of several on the land. They were painted with help from local schoolchildren.

The lady who took the photo is a dog trainer by the way ;)

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