Mar 2020
9:55pm, 13 Mar 2020
34,097 posts
I was amazed I'd done so many in a year
Mar 2020
10:09pm, 13 Mar 2020
645 posts
Same here, never would have thought I'd done so many! Thanks Fetch 🥰
Mar 2020
10:23am, 21 Mar 2020
34,383 posts
Ha! Got Grayshott Village back from Dio! Ha!
Mar 2020
11:39am, 21 Mar 2020
18,967 posts
One more zone and I shall match last year's total.
Mar 2020
5:18am, 24 Mar 2020
31,473 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
I'm looking at squares in the immediate vicinity of home. Can't imagine why ...
If I consider the nine-square block around me, my "best" square is worth 243 points with my nearest (only?) rival on 1 point. But in my most vulnerable of those nine squares, I have 4 points to my nearest rival's 2 points.
Perhaps this is an opportunity for some consolidation. 😀
Mar 2020
9:59am, 24 Mar 2020
5,781 posts
I'd be interested to see a league of who's got the most points in a square. My best square is 369. My top 10:
Mar 2020
10:45am, 24 Mar 2020
5,386 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
I've been in squares where the leader has 450+. I feel like I run a lot from home (and bike periodically) but 315 is my highest. 150 days does not seem that much.
I'll be visiting two squares I hardly ever reach, near home but up a steep hill with no natural loop back to the village. Why now? They've got a superb view and I'll need the mental uplift.
Mar 2020
11:14am, 24 Mar 2020
3,457 posts
K5 Gus
My top one is currently 359 - would normally be a quite a bit higher than that, but missed quite a bit of the last 12 months with injury, although was able to bike. A "normal" week would be run 6 days, say 1 of those away from home, so 5 days * 50 weeks, would be about 500 points if a full year with no injuries ( which never happens !! )
Mar 2020
11:16am, 24 Mar 2020
25,952 posts
Wriggling Snake
my home square is at 575!
Mar 2020
11:19am, 24 Mar 2020
8,707 posts
I have 549 in Akureyri central. I run about 5 times a week and walk nearly every day (biking in summer instead). My crossfit gym recently moved into this square too.
The square does not, however, include the outdoor pool.
Pool and gym is shut for now of course but I can still walk and run daily (and in a few weeks get the bike out).