Aug 2019
8:06pm, 17 Aug 2019
34 posts
Got it into the gallery but cant figure out how to get it here,oh well,technophobes are us.
Aug 2019
8:14pm, 17 Aug 2019
29,012 posts
Copy the picture code under the title and paste into the post. Include the [ ]
IMAGE 106211
Aug 2019
8:31pm, 17 Aug 2019
35 posts
Aug 2019
8:32pm, 17 Aug 2019
36 posts
Aug 2019
8:35pm, 17 Aug 2019
37 posts
Cheers for the help guys,got there in the end. I'd say my 2 best performances were Chester and Gran Canaria,both lower mileage over 16 weeks but Gran Canaria had a big spike over the last 8.The reason Chester didn't is that I did hull 3 weeks before it also.
Aug 2019
9:44pm, 17 Aug 2019
4,148 posts
Windsor Wool
Interesting stuff coming out of these, thanks for sharing.
Rog - I remember you saying that you ran the BAC marathon sessions as a part of your ND build-up so that means you are running a fair chunk of the weekly mileage at a brisk pace. With this in mind, your overall pace looks quite ‘slow’ (if I can call a faster runner than myself slow!). Do you run the majority of your other mileage really easy or is there another explanation?
Aug 2019
9:48pm, 17 Aug 2019
4,149 posts
Windsor Wool
and SJJH, I hope you are going to have some way of estimating just how much quicker you’re going to be able to go on the day this time around as everything points to that happening!
Aug 2019
7:14am, 18 Aug 2019
263 posts
Aug 2019
7:16am, 18 Aug 2019
264 posts
Uploaded a photo. Feel like I just landed on the moon! I know I need to do run more often and do more miles.
Aug 2019
9:16am, 18 Aug 2019
233 posts
Rog T
WW – yip, 1 session a week was the BAC one which did involve some faster paces. As for my overall pace being slower there are two factors here – yes, in general I run all my other runs pretty easy at what works out to be similar to my long run pace but also one session a week back in the NDVM build up was part of my work where it was around farmland and very start-stop and often on pretty crap terrain. In the mid to later stages I may have thrown in the odd faster parkrun or a few MP sections in a long run,
Those graphs are good and do show the general link between higher mileage and better outcomes. Although I’m sure that would only work to a point, diminishing returns and all that.
There were also a lot of other factors involved in my best performance – experience of running over a few years/accumulated training, the key midweek sessions, my weight (1.5 stone lighter between two best mara’s) and non-running activity levels (averaged about 90 minutes a day dog walking this time) were probably the main things.
The (hopefully) attached image below shows a comparison between the week I have just completed (and the midweek session) and the corresponding session from my spring build up. The images on the left are from February and the ones on the right are last week. I set myself faster target times but it seems my recoveries were done at a much lighter jog so the overall session averaged a similar time and distance. The overall average pace for the session came out about 7:30 – looking only at that average though doesn’t give the whole picture of 10 minutes total work at 5k pace sandwiched between two 12 minute efforts at 1hr race pace – I won’t dare to call it tempo or threshold 😉
Some pretty awesome analysis tools available here on fetch!