6 lurkers |
221 watchers
Mar 2022
10:40am, 6 Mar 2022
20,415 posts
Feet, not metres
Mar 2022
8:38pm, 6 Mar 2022
14,109 posts
Well....would have been bloody impressive - but still damn fine!
Mar 2022
10:58am, 7 Mar 2022
1,566 posts
On the Training Status widget does it only calculate based on running activities, or is it including cycling as well, when calculating the status and 4 week load focus etc? Reason for asking is that on the Training Status widget on the watch, it mentions running VO2 Max, and the icon is that of a runner. But on the Performance widget, there are VO2 Max figures for both running and cycling. So does the Training Status widget include cycling as well? (I think the Training Status widget does include both running and cycling as it changes recovery time after a cycling activity, presumably because as it knows the Training Effect of that cycling activity, but I just wanted to check). |
Mar 2022
11:05am, 7 Mar 2022
12,297 posts
I've known my training status change when logging a short walk the day after a run.
Mar 2022
11:05am, 7 Mar 2022
4,992 posts
K5 Gus
Do you use a power meter for your rides ? "How Do I Get a Training Status? To receive a training status, record and sync at least two running or cycling activities per week that generate a VO2 max. Runs must be recorded outdoors with GPS tracking and heart rate data. Cycling can take place indoors or outdoors, but the rides must be done using a power meter and with recorded heart rate data. " |
Mar 2022
11:19am, 7 Mar 2022
1,567 posts
K5, yes, I use a power meter. I think I know what I have been doing wrong. I only really ride on Zwift, and I usually just broadcast the HR from my Garmin device to Zwift, without actually starting an activity on the watch. With some behind the scenes wizardry, the details of the Zwift ride end up on the watch (i.e., the last activity shows as the Zwift ride, with the Zwift map in GC for that activity), but because I haven't started a Garmin activity those activities don't have Training Effect (I hope Garmin are looking at this as it is an omission I think). This morning I tried it with a Garmin 'Bike Indoor' activity, which does then calculate a Training Effect. Trouble with this though is that there are two activities in Garmin Connect (and Strava); one for the Zwift activity and one for the Garmin activity, so one needs to be manually deleted to make sure the mileage isn't counted twice. I have been making a lot of use of a free service called Activity Fix which automatically updates certain regular runs and rides with various details on |
Mar 2022
12:01pm, 7 Mar 2022
3,086 posts
I don't think that's quite right. My activities on Zwift are synced to Garmin Connect, and it then takes account of those when calculating VO2max, training load and so on. In my experience, the next time I sync my watch those values are uploaded to it, alongside the running VO2max. You don't need to double record. It sounds as if this is what's happening for you "With some behind the scenes wizardry, the details of the Zwift ride end up on the watch" so I'm puzzled as to why the VO2max details aren't copied across at the same time. |
Mar 2022
12:33pm, 7 Mar 2022
1,568 posts
Oranj, this is what I have from 2 rides. This shows this morning's ride, which has Training Effect in GC, and on the watch. This was done using the Garmin Indoor Cycling activity type and broadcasting the HR to Zwift. This activity does not have the Zwift maps, but the rest of the data makes its way over to Fetch (as it is from Garmin directly). This shows a ride yesterday and it doesn't have the Training Effect in GC, or on the watch. This is data directly from Zwift, not using a Garmin activity, but broadcasting the HR to Zwift. This activity does have the Zwift maps, but does not make its way over to Fetch (as it is from Zwift, and Fetch doesn't have an API for that, so we have to manually upload this data to Fetch, which I think is what most Fetchies do). |
Mar 2022
12:46pm, 7 Mar 2022
1,569 posts
When I say 'behind the scenes wizardry', DC Rainmaker mentioned this a few months ago, as it appears it has to sync in both directions (once to get the Zwift data for the device to calculate the Training Load, and then again back to GC so the app knows about the new Training Load value). Regarding my images above, it appears to update Training Load but not Training Effect. "Does it show Training Effect? No, not at this time. So you won’t get the Aerobic/Anaerobic breakouts of training effect. It sounds like this isn’t a case of ‘never’, but more a case of ‘trying not to boil the ocean’. I’ve long noted that Garmin has historically held off on these sorts of deployments as they try and solve every single little aspect of it, rather than fixing the core issue that people primarily care about, and then circling back later to finish up the minor things most people don’t care about. So I’m actually glad we’ve got this today, versus waiting who knows how many months or something for things like Training Effect breakouts. Just my two cents though". |
Mar 2022
1:00pm, 7 Mar 2022
1,570 posts
Sorry for all the messages. Probably I am getting muddled between Training Effect, Training Load and the Training Status widget. My initial question about Training Status I think was answered; bike rides are included and Zwift rides are also included, even if an activity type is not being used on the watch. Training Effect isn't being updated at the moment for Zwift rides (according to that article from DCR and my own normal Zwift rides), but I don't think that matters for Training Status. Have I got that right? |
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