Jun 2021
4:05pm, 8 Jun 2021
21,009 posts
[ ITG - snowflakes, the lot of them ]
[ not sure about the brackets above, tbh ]
Jun 2021
7:33pm, 8 Jun 2021
52,670 posts
That’s the worst possible time for an interview, can you not tell me how to arrange an alternative?
Jun 2021
11:24am, 9 Jun 2021
3,622 posts
Well that's all gone smoothly and there were no cock ups. I'm glad that as a professional printing company you were able to recognise the universally used bleed and copy marks on the images.
[I knew I should have paid a bit more and used my local company rather than going for a cheaper option. FFS.]
Jun 2021
11:26am, 9 Jun 2021
3,623 posts
I'm glad I can use the correct terminology when complaining about a company on here and write bleed and crop marks in my complaint.
[Fortunately I got it correct in the e-mail........ ]
Jun 2021
11:50am, 9 Jun 2021
5,867 posts
In an office with only me here, I haven't managed to lose the chocolate bar I bought on my way this morning.
Jun 2021
11:53am, 9 Jun 2021
5,868 posts
Dear boss,
Your email sounded like you were giving the whole team a bollocking over an issue you have with one individual team member. My line manager has confirmed that is a case. How about doing your job, and actually addressing the issue with the individual concerned, rather than sending a shitty email to the whole team and making everyone feel like they’re doing a bad job?
Jun 2021
11:53am, 9 Jun 2021
76,237 posts
[ ] ^
Jun 2021
11:54am, 9 Jun 2021
76,238 posts
[too quick for me, jenny - my shocked emoji was wrt the choc bar mia ]
Jun 2021
11:55am, 9 Jun 2021
1,369 posts
Wednesday Mouse
I have no issues at all with constantly picking up the day-to-day chaff that builds up whilst you get to work on your special little projects. I'm not at all resentful that you get opportunity after opportunity handed to you, and because you get to set aside time for that I'm the one who has to actually do your job on top of trying to do my own.. and not getting any of the benefits of being in the higher-up meetings or trainings or any other growth/development benefits. This is absolutely not driving me to look for a new job.
Jun 2021
12:01pm, 9 Jun 2021
5,869 posts
[lol Switts - it’s a total mystery as to where it’s gone. I even checked the bin to see if I’d eaten it then forgotten about it! (I hadn’t)]