Feb 2017
11:38am, 16 Feb 2017
20,970 posts
The car I had serviced and a fault investigation done on yesterday has not broken down today, stranding Mrs D while I am in London ehen she has to get to work and do a lot of running around later.
Feb 2017
11:40am, 16 Feb 2017
9,411 posts
{Wedding table plans are the work of the devil and should be avoided at all costs, let people sit where they like} {I can and do say that - frequently}
Feb 2017
12:07pm, 16 Feb 2017
14,579 posts
After weeks of planning, we know how we're getting to Heathrow tomorrow.
Feb 2017
12:29pm, 16 Feb 2017
35,712 posts
[we avoided wedding table plan mostly by having an informal gathering, organising a 'top table' which we weren't that bothered about was enough but was agreed to be useful for the speeches]
Feb 2017
1:31pm, 16 Feb 2017
4,613 posts
For the 2nd time, we do not need to give an analysis of the policy. We need to give a simple yes or no, and that should not take two of you to do. Seriously guys, stop faffing about with this.
Feb 2017
2:09pm, 16 Feb 2017
25,481 posts
macca 53
[Hacker: When you give your evidence to the Think Tank, are you going to support my view that the civil service is overmanned and feather-bedded, or not? Yes or no? Straight answer!
Sir Humphrey: Well Minister, if you ask me for a straight answer, then I shall say that, as far as we can see, looking at it by and large, taking one thing with another in terms of the average of departments, then in the final analysis it is probably true to say, that at the end of the day, in general terms, you would probably find that, not to put too fine a point on it, there probably wasn't very much in it one way or the other as far as one can see, at this stage]
Feb 2017
2:13pm, 16 Feb 2017
4,614 posts
[I am a massive fan of Yes Minister, but in this case, I needed 'yes he has been authorised to do this' or 'no, never heard of the chap'. It was the latter. And the children I work with profess not to have ever heard of Yes Minister, or even Thick of It].
You swan in here at 1pm, after being out of the office at a 'hospital appointment' all morning and now you're having lunch? Are you fucking kidding me? I know you're interviewing, are you perhaps interviewing at a hospital?
Feb 2017
2:55pm, 16 Feb 2017
7,291 posts
[Wobbling, i think you need to draw a line in the sand and start getting some of this off your chest, they need to hear it, also i'd like to hear how it goes :-)]
Feb 2017
3:40pm, 16 Feb 2017
1,023 posts
You're quite clearly going through your inbox backlog and keen to show you're doing your embryonic management bit but for the love of god will you stop sending out trite inane shite asking non sensical questions and raising issues that were solved 5 emails ago (when you get that far in your inbox). To use your favourite phrase of the moment you are not 'adding value' !
Feb 2017
4:19pm, 16 Feb 2017
2,412 posts
Stop charging me fucking 'admin fees'. I'd rather you just added a '£25 charge for nothing in particular.' At least then I'd know what it was for.