Jun 2023
9:35am, 24 Jun 2023
22,330 posts
We know who you meant.
Jun 2023
9:36am, 24 Jun 2023
30,501 posts
Johnny Blaze
I wouldn't want to spill the pint of either one of em.
Jun 2023
9:46am, 24 Jun 2023
30,502 posts
Johnny Blaze
"Day 485 of my 3 day war. Russia is invading Russia to free Russia from those who invaded Russia to free Russia from those who invaded Russia.
I remain a master strategist."
- Darth Putin
Jun 2023
10:14am, 24 Jun 2023
9,686 posts
Northern Exile
An interesting situation is unfurling, most senior analysts are (rightly, in my opinion) focusing on the potential for a bit of political instability at the top of the tree, quite a serious matter when the bloke at the top has access to a wide range of nuclear weapons. Still, there are no real indicators of an elevation in nuclear preparedness (depending on whose version of nuclear doctrine you subscribe to), so you can rest easy for tonight at least.
Jun 2023
10:44am, 24 Jun 2023
2,515 posts
How it pans out will depend on whether regional governors and the state's armed forces -- and their commanders -- remain loyal to Putin or switch sides. Regimes like Putin's are always rock solid ... until suddenly they aren't.
Jun 2023
10:47am, 24 Jun 2023
2,516 posts
But I can't see Prigozhin and Wagner just laying down their arms and surrendering now. They've gone too far. All that remains to be seen now is how deadly the fight is.
Jun 2023
11:04am, 24 Jun 2023
9,829 posts
Of all the events in the past 18 months this is worrying me the most, partly in terms of if putin is toppled might it be by someone even more batshit?
Jun 2023
12:17pm, 24 Jun 2023
38,397 posts
Quite, Gordon. Talk about the lesser of two evils - Satan himself would find it hard to choose
Jun 2023
12:56pm, 24 Jun 2023
14,996 posts
Interesting to return to what I posted back in March 2022:
"I'm afraid I really can't see a way out other than a total defeat of Russia/Putin, and that will cost what it costs, financially, militarily, and in human lives. I don't believe the west would stand for a treaty where the Russians walk away leaving trillions of dollars of damage behind them (and....quite possibly....doing exactly the same in another 5-10 years just after the west has sunk trillions into Ukraine to build it back).
I'd love to be wrong but I just don't see this "off-ramp" that the talking heads go on about.
Best case is probably an internal coup that finishes off Putin quickly."
Jun 2023
1:26pm, 24 Jun 2023
9,830 posts
Go on Google maps and look at the M4. Interesting travel conditions heading north to Moscow!!!