The ugly side of the London Marathon 2019 #NotInclusive

1 lurker | 18 watchers
May 2019
11:16am, 1 May 2019
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Sounds awful.
May 2019
1:17pm, 1 May 2019
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Fragile Do Not Bend
So awful it needed saying 4 times 😅

ITV London are going to be covering this story on their 6pm programme tonight. I must find out if I can get ITV London on my freeview or the ITV hub.
May 2019
1:28pm, 1 May 2019
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It sucks and looks like the organisers being dishonest. Hope they get exposed.
May 2019
1:37pm, 1 May 2019
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I really hope this serves to highlight that there are a lot of slower runners who want to run longer distance races too, that aren’t catered for by the cut off times of s lot of races. I’m not saying every race should extend their cut off times, it’s hard enough getting volunteer marshals as it is, but the big city marathons with lots of charity runners at the very least should try to be as inclusive as possible.

A lot of other races need to be a lot more upfront about their cut off times, and not hide them away in the depths of the terms & conditions. And make it clear exactly what the cut off means - is it no marshals/ roads open/no medal/no time or several of these? Is it a strict cut off or advisory?
May 2019
1:48pm, 1 May 2019
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Surrey Phil
The demand for places has resulted in about 5-6k more than there used to be. That can be inclusive of individuals making the start line instead of withdrawing. This may have had some effect on what followed.

From the pacer's blog, it took much longer than expected to get through the start line which may account for the vehicles being upon the group in a matter of no time. Still no excuse for their attitude and behaviour. Also, are vehicles queuing up to get on the road straight after the sweep/cleansing vehicles pass? I don't think so - so why pressurise the 7:30 in the way they did? No doubt, the VMLM will justify their actions but it may make slower one-off marathon participants think again about wanting to take part which is very sad for the event.
May 2019
2:04pm, 1 May 2019
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
It has definitely taken the shine off London for me and I am now wishing I hadn't been so eager to enter the ballot for 2020. This year I RW my first ever marathon at Brighton and came in at 7 hours and had a totally different and much happier experience even though I had to power walk the 2nd half.

As previously mentioned, I also understand the need for a cutoff time, and experience has taught me to read the small print. But when official pacers are put in place you would have thought that a contingency plan would be put in place to allow for extended start times which the participants have no control over if they get into the correct wave for their pace.

There have been stories of bottles of water being packed up as water stations were closed down.

I dread to think what could have happened if they didn't have an assertive pacer who used her voice and contacts to try and protect them.

And to have contended with this type of treatment from the early stages is just unbearable to think ABOUT. Those that finished are tough cookies and I hope they can bounce back from this experience soon. And for those that couldn't I hope they have a 2nd go somewhere else and have a much better experience to replace this nightmare with.
May 2019
2:18pm, 1 May 2019
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This may be connected with the wave starts and new system being used. It took a lot longer than normal for the blue start to clear. This also had an impact on the baggage lorries - which had left before some of the waves were starting. It seems that the last runners started a long time behind schedule but the vehicles ( both those ahead of the race and behind ) were on schedule. Certainly points to raise and no doubt VLM will be considering in their debrief.
May 2019
2:52pm, 1 May 2019
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cheshire lady
The runners should have been treated with respect and leaving the start line late definitely did not help. But was the pacer there to pace runners on the pavement? Obviously she didn’t think so was but the race pack does state that runners over 7 hours pace would need to run on the pavements.
May 2019
2:57pm, 1 May 2019
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cheshire lady
Even if they are running on the pavement, I think they should still keep the water stations open, even if it’s just one person standing there giving out the water.
May 2019
3:33pm, 1 May 2019
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Someone said that they were being pushed to the side before these times, I know that the pacer was at the Cutty Sark just before the time stated above but was already being closed down. There was just no contingency for starting late - you would have thought logistics would have calculated an official pacer at 7:30 crossing the start line at xx minutes after gun time but it appears. No doubt it will all be reviewed at the debrief, and Haringey investigate the behaviour and conduct of their clean up teams.

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