Nov 2019
11:55pm, 21 Nov 2019
9,542 posts
My wife just got back in from a charity auction event and won the silent auction for entry to all of a local organiser's races for the year!
That's my 2019 sorted then...
(Don't worry, most are after Manchester!)
Nov 2019
1:38am, 22 Nov 2019
238 posts
Nice win by mrs larkim
Nov 2019
7:23am, 22 Nov 2019
3,216 posts
K5 Gus
.... or even 2020 larks
Nov 2019
8:48am, 22 Nov 2019
9,544 posts
LOL, it was late when she got in - not thinking clearly!
They are mostly 10k races which broadly I don't race much, but there's a half in Feb which should be well timed to see how much progress I'm making. Plus a September 17m trail challenge which could be fun (though was a mud bath this year).
Nov 2019
9:15am, 22 Nov 2019
1,243 posts
Oscar the grouch
Always assuming the long-suffering, Mrs L doesn't want to avail herself of the prize...
Nov 2019
9:19am, 22 Nov 2019
9,545 posts
Indeed OTG. It was presented to me last night as "Here's your Christmas present, and by the way I'd like to do a couple of those, and perhaps one or more of our boys might want to do the 5k ones too"!
I do quite like being gifted some structure to next year, though for those who advise me to race less frequently, I can't see that happening next year.... (Having said that, just taking part in a race doesn't mean you have to race it anyway!)
Nov 2019
10:20am, 22 Nov 2019
29,676 posts
Depends on your discipline but yeah it can be done.
I personally don't race often and I think there's a race adrenaline/ psychological/ readiness boost with knowing that when you pin on a number, you're generally going to be giving full or close to full effort.
Nov 2019
10:26am, 22 Nov 2019
9,548 posts
In fairness, I've not done many (any?) races where I haven't been targetting my best on the day I don't think, apart from a few track races where I've been point scoring for the club. Perhaps Wrexham half 18 months ago (though I did actually perform well) and obviously I run parkruns on a regular basis without giving it full beans (thought that's not a "race" is it ) But mainly I'm too much of a penny pincher to pay for an event and then not see it as something other than a full on effort.
But as I've not paid for these races I might find my inherent motivation isn't quite there!
Nov 2019
1:22pm, 22 Nov 2019
1,158 posts
Shortcut Cam
Rest day today after a hectic week. Raced a XC 10k last Saturday, an easy/steady orienteering Sunday, recovery run Monday, Intervals Tuesday, medium-Long Wednesday and hill reps yesterday. Should have had rest/recovery yesterday instead of three effort sessions in a row. But that’s the whole idea of this first 8-week block, to see how the body copes and how to plan the next 8-week block better. Interestingly my new Garmin 935 told me yesterday I needed 31 hours recovery. Didn’t need the watch to tell me that! Anyone else put any credence in what their smart watch tells them?
Nov 2019
1:40pm, 22 Nov 2019
991 posts
SC, I don't live my life by my Garmin but I think some of that kind of stuff is helpful. That metric seems to reflect when I've done a hard session. To be clear I think that doesn't mean you shouldn't run for 31 hours but just that it wouldn't recommend another hard session in that time period.
On a related note I would be interested what people find reported on the 'Training Effect' on a Garmin after a tempo session. Almost all of my runs are categorised at fully aerobic. I haven't done a tempo session for ages and did one on Weds where the training effect was reported as 3.8 aerobic and 1.4 anaerobic. I wasn't sure whether I overcooked it a bit and shouldn't really be seeing anaerobic effort on a tempo run - or because it is meant to be at the threshold I should expect to see a bit of anaerobic.