The Sub 3:15 Marathon Thread

333 watchers
Oct 2019
10:00am, 28 Oct 2019
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Dodgy hamstring at the mo, but I *WILL* got sub 20 for parkrun again (one day!) :-) G
Oct 2019
10:22am, 28 Oct 2019
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There's a Venn diagram of people in in touch with and like to see run info of, with a circle for fetcheveryone and a circle for "normal" people :-)

So my family, running club members (particularly younger ones) etc all log their stuff on strava and they'd mostly have little interest in either the data on fetch or the social features, so I'll continue with a foot in both camps. I do think strava implementation of segments is a killer feature too, especially with the volume of users.

Sorry to hear about the hamstring, could be good news for baz though ;-)
Oct 2019
10:29am, 28 Oct 2019
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Volume of users is the key thing. It's mass market, no doubt. Segments don't interest me, but I know they are popular esp King of the Mountain etc. for cyclists.

I have no idea how popular their chat, kudos, comments on runs etc. are (social). But it's like Facebook, you almost have to be on it. :-) G
Oct 2019
10:35am, 28 Oct 2019
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My stuff goes on strava automatically for the local club scene really, also I sometimes play with the flyby after races though there's not really much purpose to that. Oh, and checking out routes in new areas via the heat map. Analysis, such as it is, I put my training time into a spreadsheet calendar when on a plan (cos of including cycling/swimming and primarily counting hours rather than miles). Plus that makes it easy to add races and travel etc into the schedule.

Fetch pre-race mileage graph is interesting though, to see how campaigns stack up. But in terms of training performance I tend to look at the same workout across campaigns, and this info is easier to find in garmin connect.
Oct 2019
10:43am, 28 Oct 2019
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Every now and again I dip into Garmin Connect, and some of the stuff is quite good - but I tend to treat it as a necessary evil, a conduit for getting data to other services, rather than something I'm interested in it's own right. There's not much there that is superior to what either Fetch or strava provide.

The one other service that I do use is runalyze which allows extract of some additional data from the Garmin .fit files (in my case, VO2Max which is disabled on my watch, notionally, even though it is there) and it has some nice graphs too.
Oct 2019
10:50am, 28 Oct 2019
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Best one (now defunct, I think) was a thick client app, back in the old days, called Sport Tracks (think it was a German bloke that wrote it). Was free, then started charging, so I stopped using it. And of course local data, and transferring it each time you updated PC etc. But way more usable and powerful than any browser based app. I think. :-) G
Oct 2019
10:51am, 28 Oct 2019
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Maybe just a matter of what we're used to, I find it easier to navigate than the alternatives especially when looking up old stuff. Partly cos I edit the workout names! Also sometimes add notes to it eg pace summaries.
Oct 2019
10:55am, 28 Oct 2019
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Agree with that, if you take time to focus on one of the data stores they become more usable. Since I started tweaking run types on Fetch, for example, it gained a heap more value for me. As it is, I just leave all of the Garmin ones as "XYZ location running" with nothing else added.

Fetch's advantage is in holding both my plan and my actual so I get the forward and backward look. I could do this with a spreadsheet of course.
Oct 2019
10:58am, 28 Oct 2019
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These days garmin takes the title from the watch so if you have designed a workout (which I do for many quality sessions) that field is already populated.
Oct 2019
11:00am, 28 Oct 2019
9,285 posts
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I don't have that option on my watch sadly. But I can see how that would be helpful.

About This Thread

Maintained by Windsor Wool
For those who want to go sub 3.15 in a marathon and/or those that have already done it and want to give advice. Share your journey or help someone else's here.

2024 achievers:
Akie: 3:15 @ Rotterdam
allmatthew: 3:09 @ Manchester
Bowman: 3:01 @ Boras
Mark J: 3:12 @ Christchurch NZ
PJH92: 3:13 @ London

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