Oct 2007
2:31pm, 17 Oct 2007
27 posts
El sombrero
Oct 2007
2:55pm, 17 Oct 2007
1,252 posts
Oct 2007
11:10am, 19 Oct 2007
353 posts
SODIron © 2002
I'm getting close to cracking the magic sub 20 mins...20m:27s last weekend. If all goes to plan I'll have another crack at it again this weekend...and maybe, just maybe...this could be the weekend
Oct 2007
11:19am, 19 Oct 2007
2,220 posts
Good luck SOD
Oct 2007
11:47am, 19 Oct 2007
1,927 posts
I'm debating how fast to try to run tomorrow - suspect it's a little too soon after Leicester to do too much... also I think the bike and nice weather are calling me... maybe in another week or two...
SODIron - what is FSTT?
Oct 2007
11:52pm, 19 Oct 2007
48 posts
followed rach's advice and did a 5 x 1km session today.
actually i did 2 x 400m flat out first (trying to find out if i would completely embarrass myself in the local open meet - answer - yes i would) then 5 x 1km off 60 second recoveries in 4.26/4.31/4.31/4.27/4.28
so a question for next time. should i try and do the reps a bit quicker or should i shorten the rests even further - 60 seconds seems to be enough time to get breathing under control and heart rate back down but i suspect anything much shorter would be very hard.
Oct 2007
12:01am, 20 Oct 2007
6,964 posts
Well done M depends how how you felt at the end of the session. If you felt you could go on another rep, then may be go for 4:20 - 4:25 otherwise stick with it for a week or 2 and then speed up - don't reduce the rests yet. Though there is a good session where you reduce the rests by 15 secs after each rep - DON'T TRY THAT ONE YET
Oct 2007
1:30am, 20 Oct 2007
49 posts
hi mark
i couldn't have done another lap today. but without the 2 x 400m first i'm sure i would have been able to. so i'll give 4.20 - 4.25 a go next time.
thanks for your help
Oct 2007
9:50am, 20 Oct 2007
31 posts
El sombrero
I'm doing a one mile time trial today - anyone know what a good mile time would be in regard to doing 5K sub 20? I'm guessing around 6 minutes or so. I think 5K pace needs to be around 6:25.
Oct 2007
10:01am, 20 Oct 2007
5,777 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
I did a 6.50 mile in a 1 mile race yesterday ElSombrero - which would be a 22.30 5k - so you need to be looking at possible a sub 6 maybe??
*not meant to be on this thread as I am too slow*