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The Streaky Bacon Thread

87 watchers
Aug 2021
6:57pm, 31 Aug 2021
217 posts
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Ouch, same today awful feeling, heavy legs. Body screams stop it! Yet an other “saver” Oh well, it will be a good feeling when it feels normal again.
Aug 2021
9:15pm, 31 Aug 2021
16,015 posts
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Yes, you get used to it after a while. :)
Aug 2021
10:30pm, 31 Aug 2021
1,476 posts
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When I started my streak, over the first 14-21 days my leg tension built up until it was really sore and only eased off after the first 12 minutes or so (I was doing Marcothon that year) and I was at the point of "It's not worth it", and then one day toward the end of the month I got up and my legs weren't sore any more.

The only thing I have found is that when I run a saver after a marathon I'll be sweating profusely within 2 minutes whereas normally it takes about 7 minutes to start.
Sep 2021
2:17pm, 1 Sep 2021
1,256 posts
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jelly (limegreenjelly)
If my body screamed stop I would stop! I’ve never really reached that point!
Sep 2021
2:30pm, 1 Sep 2021
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Marcothon rules are: 25 minutes or 3 miles, whichever comes first. I came into that off the back of two extremely light years of running, so I wasn't sure I would even manage. I figured I would give it a go.

As many people know, on day 2, my mom's partner died suddenly. He'd been alcoholic and disabled, but still managed to walk 2 miles a day (to the shop we found out after he'd gone), and despite the pain never wanted a wheelchair because he wanted to keep mobile.

I figured that if he could do that (despite the reasoning behind why he was doing it) then I had no excuse for stopping. So I didn't.
Sep 2021
3:01pm, 1 Sep 2021
221 posts
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No, I guess people who say, “you get use to it” maybe never experienced that pain that sometimes occurs.

I my end, the worst ones are mentally. I just don’t have the mental strength to push my self even slowly for a “longer run”
It’s not that common, and mostly after a mentally challenging day/days at work or lots of things that I have to handle with kids and what not, or something like that.
These times it’s not muscular or overtraining.

And jelly, I guess, some people doesn’t get there.

But for me, I know it’s not dangerous:) and I just soldier through it. Even though it might just be a few km.

I know, a day later I’m back.

Today I effortlessly ran 15k trail somewhat happy in the body.

So it’s a part of the training and the challenge, for me at least.
Sep 2021
3:03pm, 1 Sep 2021
222 posts
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Vixx, I can relate to that feeling.
My try’s with early morning runs, that was the feeling.
Feverish, heavy sweat from start and so on.
Felt sick pretty much.
Sep 2021
3:22pm, 1 Sep 2021
16,020 posts
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I like early morning runs, though less so when it's dark. My body works better in the morning, less so after sitting at a desk working all day. It starts to 'set'! :P
Sep 2021
4:53pm, 1 Sep 2021
1,482 posts
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I prefer morning runs where possible - the earlier the better as then I can be smug all day afterwards :)
Sep 2021
5:13pm, 1 Sep 2021
13,132 posts
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I had my earliest run ever the other day 02:57 start ! Just wanted half to see if I can and half because work shift was early start. But at the back of my mind I’d like to be able to run at anytime of the day or night so that I can say that😂 Also, though I’m thinking maybe I’ll try a 24 hr event or a backyard ultra sometime. Training for solitude and being lost in my thoughts.

About This Thread

Maintained by UltraDunc
You only need to run on the days you eat!
However if you are fasting for any reason you still need to run!

Big Al Widepants. 31/12/08

Steve Nord Runner 31/12/14

Vixx. 1/12/15

Iron_Mum. 1/6/18

Cackleberry 27/4/19

Ultradunc. 1/7/19

Garfield 15/8/23

Roscco Peeko. 24/4/20

Jelly 2/8/20

Bowman 1/1/21

Hibeedeb. 28/2/21

Wabo 25/7/21
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  • streaking
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