Sep 2021
5:52pm, 1 Sep 2021
223 posts
So how did it feel UD? I also want to be able to run really early before work. But so far no luck
Sep 2021
6:15pm, 1 Sep 2021
1,258 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
I’d love to be able to sleep later than 5am! Especially now it’s getting dark again, which slows me down a bit! Still I do love having the world all to myself! Not many people around when I run! It just feels like we haven’t had much of a summer this year!
Sep 2021
6:16pm, 1 Sep 2021
1,259 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
I’d love to be able to sleep later than 5am! Especially now it’s getting dark again, which slows me down a bit! Still I do love having the world all to myself! Not many people around when I run! It just feels like we haven’t had much of a summer this year!
Sep 2021
6:17pm, 1 Sep 2021
1,260 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
Sorry for posting my comment twice! User error!
Sep 2021
7:09pm, 1 Sep 2021
1,483 posts
I did Thunder Run as part of a team for 5 years and running in the middle of the night is a fun experience - especially there!
There are times where if I am still up at 11pm I'll stay up for an extra 90 mins or so to get my run in early doors as soon as midnight kicks in and then go to bed, and I can get up and know my streak is done for that day
Sep 2021
7:28pm, 1 Sep 2021
224 posts
That streak hack I did like vixx, will think about that in the future
Sep 2021
9:47pm, 1 Sep 2021
13,133 posts
How did it feel Bowman? Well what usually happens is that 12 or so hours later I’ve almost forgotten being out there. However going off past experience I am usually slower paced ( and that’s ok) for my natural easy pace . The following hours after I feel quite aware and awake . Currently straight after the run I have a protein shake and porridge, so what I’m also doing is running fasted not faster 😀
Sep 2021
6:50am, 2 Sep 2021
225 posts
Ok UD,
Well afterwards it feel uplifted and "fresh" as well. That's why i really want to be able to run around 5 ish in the morning. But i really don't see it happen any time soon. And now its dark as well and i live in hilly woods, not an easy flat run. I pretty much always run fasted, most days around over 20h since last meal, i like that.
Sep 2021
7:33am, 2 Sep 2021
13,135 posts
How about investing in a head torch bowman?
Sep 2021
10:09am, 2 Sep 2021
226 posts
I have a awesome one Use it all the time during winter evenings in the woods.
The thing i meant, was that its no "walk in the park" Darkness, hilly terrain and so on 5 in the morning. Compared to a light jog in the flat neighbourhood street lights around 7 ish.
Not saying that is your case, just that there are differences.
There's different degrees in hell, if that translates from my language to yours