Nov 2021
11:42am, 17 Nov 2021
35 posts
I'm entered in my first race at the weekend, a 10k trail race. How do people usually prepare for races? Do you run the day before just to stretch the legs? Do you just do nothing in the day prior to it?
I'm not going to be bothering the leaders, hopefully not the back markers either, but I still want to put in a decent performance.
Any advice?
Nov 2021
12:08pm, 17 Nov 2021
16,056 posts
It probably depends a bit on how much you run normally. I ran a parkrun the day before my marathon PB, but ran it very slowly. I don't think there can be any negative performance hit from a really slow and non-intense activity; no idea if there is a positive impact either, but I did it for sanity reasons more than anything else, and at the time I was used to running 6 or 7 times a week.
A short, easy jog should be perfectly doable for everyone, but the absence of it might not have any real impact either.
Nov 2021
12:17pm, 17 Nov 2021
735 posts
The Mussile
I like to do an easy run 1 or 2 days before and a session of high intensity but very short a few days before that. I find if I stop completely I feel very heavy legged and lethargic on race day
Nov 2021
12:18pm, 17 Nov 2021
17,374 posts
Hi gt. I think this is vey individual and you'll find what works for you. (Sorry if that doesn't seem too helpful!). Personally I quite like a little easy run the day before a race - I would generally cap it at 5k, and quite often it might only be a couple of miles. I know plenty of runners who wouldn't do anything other than perhaps a walk. See how you feel.
Nov 2021
12:21pm, 17 Nov 2021
75,171 posts
I like to run the day before and do a little tickle about 3 days out but I coach a few people who can't mentally cope with running the day before.
As has been said the last 2 days are trial an error however the other 5 days should just see the mileage drop but keep a little intensity in there.
Nov 2021
12:30pm, 17 Nov 2021
54,967 posts
Your overall mileage is quite low, gt, so I'd suggest that for this first race you rest your legs the day before. If you get a taste for racing you'll work out what's best for you both physically and mentally with regard to the few days before the race.
Nov 2021
1:07pm, 17 Nov 2021
40,216 posts
Everyone's said right stuff above.
Goo luck with your race. Give it the beanz!
Nov 2021
1:07pm, 17 Nov 2021
40,217 posts
*Good luck - argh!
Nov 2021
1:08pm, 17 Nov 2021
17,840 posts
I would agree with, Vrap. It’s best to find what suits you. I prefer to rest the day before a race or do some cross-training instead.
Nov 2021
1:09pm, 17 Nov 2021
123 posts
No run at this stage is going to have any physiological improvement, or minimal best, on your performance.
The decision instead is largely what works for you, and that includes, mentally.