The Retirement Thread

4 lurkers | 175 watchers
May 2022
7:42am, 20 May 2022
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Wow nice Bazo.

In a similar vein it was my 48th anniversary yesterday, i'm getting there slowly :-)
May 2022
10:34am, 20 May 2022
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In my experience, I've never had an annual update from deferred scheme (ie where I left the company). When queried, they have always replied they don't do it and it's not a legal requirement.

I've also found the GMP figures misleading and a waste of space. My experience again, on a failed scheme, had a GMP of about £13k, based on 'an estimated 7% inflation'. Actual pension value when assessed by PPF/FAS £7k
May 2022
10:38am, 20 May 2022
135,495 posts
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I requested one a month or so back and got a reply in about ten days. I still don't trust the wretched thing to pay out mind.
May 2022
12:29pm, 20 May 2022
5,872 posts
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Surprised at lack of info others have experienced. I received an update on my deferred DB scheme at least annually - both a personal update and a scheme update
May 2022
5:18pm, 20 May 2022
1,409 posts
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I used to get an annual update, until the scheme was transferred to another provider. Now they provide very little information unless I ask. The information is also fairly inconsistent, even though it is their sole business. I think I'm getting closer to working out exactly what the right questions are to get exactly the information I need in a form I can use it.
May 2022
7:24pm, 20 May 2022
22,682 posts
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I ran some DB quotes today. Looks like annual increase has been applied and the numbers look quite encouraging. I am surprised that the reduction at 55 compared to 60 is not all that big. The difference is for each year I can work the TFC gets bigger and obviously so does the remaining DC pot
May 2022
7:34pm, 20 May 2022
61,907 posts
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Lip Gloss
Spoke to someone at the NHS pensions today about how much I lose this year if I retire at 59 instead of waiting till m 60 next year…bit of a difference on such a small pension so will have to have a meeting with my FA to see how much my other investments are making to see if I will use that money this year.
May 2022
8:18pm, 20 May 2022
135,575 posts
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Assuming NHS works like LGPS - which would seem reasonable - there’s a calculator thingy. Hold on.
May 2022
8:20pm, 20 May 2022
135,576 posts
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May 2022
8:51pm, 20 May 2022
2,465 posts
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At the time when I took early retirement using the NHS Pension Scheme (1995 version), something similar to the LGPS was applied, called an actuarial reduction. will give you further information.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sigh
A place for baggy spaciousness: "The quality of time, soft attention and ease that we could enjoy 'doing nothing' "
(thanks to TheScribbler for the term (p1516)!)
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Retirees Hall of Fame
star Jigs star (25.09.24)
Synge (30.08.24)
Silvershadow (02.08.24)
Hibeedeb (02.08.24)
Winniefree (08.07.24, 2nd attempt)
EvilPixie (24.06.24)
Snail (21.06.24)
GregP (14.06.24) (after part retirement 31.03.23)
Fizz :-) (13.06.24)
Jaks (15.05.24) (third time of retiring)
HellsBells (31.03.24) (orig. May 2018)
TROSaracen (07.02.24)(semi retired since mid 2019)
Hanneke (01.02.24)
Jenni-far-far (28.12.23)
FergusG (22.12.23)
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) (11.12.23)
eL Bee! (30.11.23)
Lip Gloss (22.11.23)
jda (28.08.23)
RFJ (23.08.23)
Sigh (28.07.23)
Schnecke (end of school term 07.23)
Sharkie (05.07.23)
Ally-C (08.06.23)
Rebel (12.05.23)
CogNoscensme AHA (07.04.23)
Windsor Wool (05.04.23)
Bob! (30.03.23)
Velociraptor (21.03.23)
Garfield (provisional, 27.02.23) (see p.699)
ThorntonRunner (20.12.22)
MaltDrinker (30.07.21)
DoricQuine (15.06.21)
Mandymoo (21.05.21)
Eynsham Red (06.05.21)
GimmeMedals (31.08.20)
Steve NordRunner (01.08.19)
um (May 2017)
macca 53 (31.10.17)
XB (07.07.16)
Flatlander (November 2011)
Johnny Blaze
K5 Gus
Northern Exile
Nick Cook

[other names to follow, on request]

In the Waiting Lounge, with one eye on the door

Roobarb (20.12.2024)
dobbers (target: Dec 2024)

Marmite (01.01.25)
3M (05.01.25)
McGoohan (15.01.25)
westmoors (31.03.25 confirmed)
Dillthedog (target: 30 April 2025)
Bazoaxe (June 2025)
B Rubble (June 2025)
geordiegirl (target: July 2025)
GeneHunt59 (target: July 2025)
RRR-CAZ (September 2025)
Bigleggy (target: December 2025)
HappyG (target: end of 2025 at the earliest)

Runningbauble21 (target: June 2026)
MadWelshWoman (target: Summer 2026)
cathrobinson (target: 2026 onwards)
OverTheHillToo (target: approx. 2026)

Diogenes (17.03.27)

Hills of Death (HOD) (April 2026-April 2030)
Gromit (July 2030)
CK2 (2030)

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Just browsing at the moment

Daz Love
DIY Diva

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Retirement Failures

Currently empty :-)

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