Nov 2018
9:09pm, 11 Nov 2018
26,855 posts
It fits with my understanding of the partition. I watched a documentary recently- truly shocking!
The bit at the end with the floating heads reminded me of kelvingrove museum in Glasgow. I might have a picture somewhere.
Nov 2018
9:14pm, 11 Nov 2018
26,856 posts
Nov 2018
9:18pm, 11 Nov 2018
36,563 posts
French equivalent:
Nov 2018
9:39pm, 11 Nov 2018
3,356 posts
A bit better writing. Though ... yet again more baddies from outer space or out'a time who turn out to perhaps not be baddies???
A really bad time in human history. And the bad blood spilled then is still being shed ~ more than two sides, too
She'd have kept the knowledge close and away from open knowledge. Maybe granddad knew, who knows? (perhaps the reveal will come later???)
As an episode,I quite liked it
+++Potential spoilers below+++ I'm also pretty sure that Nan remembers an odd crowd turning up for the wedding and wondered whether >70 years has overlaid the face of her granddaughter onto the girl in the past who helped when many disagreed with her life choice. Maybe she even suspects the connection of the two? Which might explain just why she offered openly to tell her favourite why she'd given her a broken treasure ... and then easily accepted the rain check . But I am left wondering whether Nan will turn up in an episode set a couple of decades on, but before 'current time' ... perhaps Jaz sets Nan up with her granddad and then, perhaps, her Mum with her Dad? *rofl* (Just jesting As has been prevalent with recent seasons, tasty morsels and sometimes entire storylines, seem to get cast off and forgotten ) +++End of potential spoiler section++++
Nov 2018
9:41pm, 11 Nov 2018
3,357 posts
I must admit that I was looking for faces in the array ... just in case
Nov 2018
11:54am, 12 Nov 2018
13,452 posts
Easily the best episode of the series. More sensitively dealt with than the Rosa Parks episode, and also the sci-fi felt less bolted on, it was more like older Doctor Who, where the historical setting was something they walked into. It used one of Moffat's old trick, foreknowledge of what is to happen to create some emotional impact.
Yes there was plenty wrong with it, 3 assistants plainly still don't work, the script while less clunkier than Chibnall still strayed into "Doctorisms" - "I will protect this planet", they overplayed the ending going from moving into sentimental. But yes, I think the positives outweighed the negatives...
Nov 2018
12:13pm, 12 Nov 2018
20,421 posts
eL Bee!
I quite enjoyed it.
Yes, it's still quite 'clunky' but still quite well told
It *is* just entertainment after all
Were you not entertained? Oh! Wait! That was something else
Nov 2018
2:19pm, 12 Nov 2018
51,263 posts
To shoehorn Partition into fifty minutes is crazily ambitious; to use it as a vehicle for the marriage just about did the job. That sound you heard? 'Idle' companions shuffling their feet and waiting for lines of script.
The reformed demons were well intentioned but no stronger than a sonic screwdriver. Still, this was a pacier episode and the characters outside the Doctor's coterie seemed more strongly drawn than those in earlier episodes.
Nov 2018
3:44pm, 12 Nov 2018
25,162 posts
That's true. Still dodgy dialogue though.
Nov 2018
3:59pm, 12 Nov 2018
6,029 posts
The series hasn't caught my imagination yet for some reason. I'm not articulate enough in terms of literary or TV criticism to describe why, but I know that it hasn't.
My kids still seem to be enjoying it as "appointment TV" though, but perhaps that's just a reflection of us slackening our usual allowance of TV for a Sunday night binge of Dr Who followed by SCD.
Jodie W is a little too "ordinary" I think, not enough "quirk" or intensity. Not her fault, and certainly not a gender-related concern - the female Doctor seems as normal a concept as (all of the previous) male ones, but she hasn't really been given a depth of character yet; something that defines this Doctor in particular, an ethos, an approach etc. which is beyond the superficial "do nice things, be fair, fight for humans".