Dec 2018
6:41pm, 11 Dec 2018
5,873 posts
I've realised that I need to do core *before* other stuff, rather than afterwards.
Dec 2018
6:43pm, 11 Dec 2018
20,532 posts
Yeah, that’d help
Mar 2019
11:56am, 24 Mar 2019
33,977 posts
Trying to make strength and core stuff a regular part of the plan these days. Managed 3 weights/abs sessions this week, which is definitely a record. One or 2 is more normal.
My son has put me on to the Athlean-x YouTube channel and I’m doing their 5 minute beginners abs session. If that’s beginners i’m Really worried about what their next step will be like!
Mar 2019
12:31pm, 24 Mar 2019
98 posts
Queen of Cups
I do pilates twice a week as well as my usual running. I've been doing it once or twice a week for about 18 months and suddenly I am really seeing the benefits with firm(er) glutes and can work at a much higher level for most things. I use pilates for all my stretches and can be found at work doing balancing whenever I have to wait for something! My core stability has improved as you can see I am a bit obsessed 😀
Mar 2019
3:19pm, 24 Mar 2019
33,978 posts
There are much worse things to be obsessed with than Pilates QoC. Well done on the progress made.
Mar 2019
3:29pm, 24 Mar 2019
1,519 posts
My observations are:
1. Running doesn't improve your core. 2. Adding core work does the improve your running.
Go figure.
Aug 2019
6:17pm, 2 Aug 2019
34,556 posts
We’ve let this go a bit haven’t we?
Well, we’ve let the thread go at least s how is anyone going keeping strength stuff in their plan?
Aug 2019
6:49pm, 2 Aug 2019
2,317 posts
Rubbish for me. But resume 1st September.
Aug 2019
6:53pm, 2 Aug 2019
40,407 posts
I've got bum ache today.
Aug 2019
7:21pm, 2 Aug 2019
34,557 posts
I fell off the wagon after my Easter hols but I've got back on it in the last few weeks. Weights and abs twice a week, and when I'm away I'm taking some bungee bands to do some portable resistance work too. It's just keeping it as a habit.
I'm a bit scared to ask but why does your bum ache Alpenrose?