The lets motivate each other to do our strength and core work thread...

147 watchers
May 2013
10:18pm, 23 May 2013
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Red Squirrel
She could do it with you Tup. I'm hoping that Men's Health is going to be inclusive about this and not refuse to let me join because I'm a chick.

I don't think women really get 6-packs or ripped do they? I get a sort of 2 dips and a slighly pushed out central section-type thing going on.
May 2013
11:07pm, 23 May 2013
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Kettlebells were cancelled tonight because of the weather. It's no fun doing them in a hailstorm.
May 2013
1:13pm, 24 May 2013
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The Teaboy
I think I might have a go. Not to get something to show off, but to get something that will be a nice surprise for the lucky person who discovers it!
May 2013
1:20pm, 24 May 2013
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Derby Tup
I'm 50 next May and have decided I'm doing a race without my vest in that month. Some toning work will be needed ;-)
May 2013
1:24pm, 24 May 2013
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Wriggling Snake
Crossfit, I forgot about this thread, do some crossfit stuff. Working for me.
May 2013
2:01pm, 24 May 2013
8,979 posts
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Red Squirrel
Have you got pierced nipples then Tup? *Winces* You'll need somewhere to hang the race number.
May 2013
2:02pm, 24 May 2013
4,992 posts
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I signed up for that six pack thing. Starts the day after Comrades so I will have to start it a little late.
May 2013
2:25pm, 24 May 2013
8,981 posts
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Red Squirrel
Ha Becca - they'll have more girls than boys on it. :)

I have to say that I can't stand magazines generally - they're all full of advertising and horrible soundbyte-style editorial generally. So if I'm ever stuck somewhere like a railways station or airport with no reading material, Men's Health is the only thing I'd consider buying.
May 2013
2:29pm, 24 May 2013
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Derby Tup
No piercings to report. Number will be pinned to my shorts ;-)
May 2013
4:55pm, 24 May 2013
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The Terminator
I have signed up, any motivation is good although I have been good for the last few weeks. Thing that concerns me though is that it gives no clue (or am I missing it) what sort of equipment, if any, will be needed. Is it a program that can be done at home or not?

About This Thread

Maintained by MaT.T
This is the place to motivate, share ideas and plans and tell us success stories regards improvements in your running and day to day life as a result of your strength and core work.

Pfitzinger's core conditioning for runners -

Beginner Triathlete Hard Core Exercises -

Physio room core strengthening programme -

Runner's World basic strength moves -

Dynamic stretching exercises (Warm up) -

Static stretching exercises (Cool down) -

5 pilates beginners exercises to try -

10 min pilates abs workout on this page of the thread -

20 minute killer core workout on this page of the thread -

Man maker kettlebell workout on this page of the thread -

10 minute ab workout on this page of the thread-

Beginners Pilates workout on this page of the thread -

Standing Core exercises -

10 minute core work out cyclists:,0

Mo farah and Galen Rupp stability routine -

Core H ten minute plan on this page of the thread -

10 minute pilates abs workout on this page of the thread

Standing core workout

200 sit up challenge

Jillian MIchaels Six week six pack workout level one, 30 day shred level 1, 2 and 3 on this page

Kettlebell core exercises on this page of the thread

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  • core
  • exercises
  • health
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  • training

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