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THE LAST CHANCE SALOON – Let’s not be fat in 2012!! 3rd August to 7th December weight loss thread

51 watchers
Nov 2011
9:05am, 30 Nov 2011
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Maybe. I'd like to give it another week before I make any judgements on what works and what doesn't. I've had some 'ok' days, and then some awful days like yesterday.

Today has not started well, had a crash on my bike this morning, gashed my knee which now has a lump on it, ripped my compression tights and now I want sugary things like chocolate. Must not eat them.
Nov 2011
9:08am, 30 Nov 2011
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Gf, stay away from the sugar, think of the scales.

Yes, prob best to wait another week as often the start of a diet gives a big loss due to water. If you can hold on another week then asses that might be bestest.
Nov 2011
9:11am, 30 Nov 2011
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Ouch, GF! Have a nice cup of tea with (one) sugar.

Mulbs - all sounds very sensible. I probably need to take heed but I'm just too impatient. Trouble is, my impatience gets me nowhere (as my results on this thread show). I do like being here though and I'm sure I would have put on several pounds if I hadn't been.

JJ - that's a bugger! It won't feel so bad next week though - honest! ;)
Nov 2011
9:14am, 30 Nov 2011
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Mulbs, 1 pound a month may not sound much but it is better than a lot of people on here are doing!
If that is sustainable for you without going too hungry etc then that is good
Nov 2011
9:49am, 30 Nov 2011
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JJ Flash
It is also possible that an indulgent birthday weekend has added some of those pounds. I'm going to sulk for a couple of days and then reweigh.

In other news I have had my foot looked at by the doc and she doesn't think that running on it will make it worse so my mileage will start to creep up again now :)
Nov 2011
9:53am, 30 Nov 2011
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Great news! You can start collecting coins again. :) I gained a traffic light in Leamington on Saturday and Beanhopper had to pay me rent on it yesterday! lol

Back on topic - is it only me who allows herself a bit of a break on a Wednesday? Maybe it is and that's where I'm going wrong! lol
I don't go completely overboard but just eat at about maintenance level for the day.
Nov 2011
10:17am, 30 Nov 2011
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lol Woo I am so marginally below maintenance that all days are pretty much the same!
Nov 2011
10:29am, 30 Nov 2011
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early bird
Sts and very happy after a dreadful week expected a gain which may still come the way I'm feeling
Nov 2011
10:31am, 30 Nov 2011
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Sarah , looking up there it seems that you have a bit of a break every day ;)
Nov 2011
10:35am, 30 Nov 2011
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LOL! You're probably right, hellen!

About This Thread

Maintained by MissChappo
1) You know the rules.

MissChappo and Mrs Winkle
Kelley and Annadav
Sallykate and McGoohan

Runner Duck and Nywanda

Any more for any more?

The format below is Name/Start weight________this week's weight/this week's loss/total loss

Aircooled 11:11__________________________________11:9/0/-3 star
Annadav 10:6.5_______________________________ __9:8.5/-1/-12 star
Bryano 11:4 __________________ _________________ 11:1/+1/-3 ?..? ~
Clare1976 11:10_________________________________10:6/-2.5/-18 star star star
Claireruns 10:2___________________________________9:12/-2/-4 ?..? ~
Early Bird 11:5 __________________________________10:11/+1/-8 pig
Fompungs 16:7___________________________________15:9/0/-12 star
GlennR 12:13____________________________________12:1.5/-.5/-11.5 star
Hellen 9:7_______________________________________8:9.25/-1/-11.75 star
Icemaiden 9:7.2 __________________________________9:5.8/-1.4/-1.4 star star
Jacs205 10:10____________________________________10:6/-1/-4 ~
Jambomo 13:10___________________________________13:5/+.5/-5 ?...? ~
JJFlash 15:2______________________________________14:10/-1/-6 star
JohnJ 12:11______________________________________12:10/-1/-1 ?...? ~
Kelley 10:11______________________________________10:9/0/-2 ? ~
Mandymoo 12:5___________________________________12:0/0/ -5 tux
McGoohan 13:7____________________________________11:6/-3/-29 star star star medal :-) fireworks for 2 stone!!
MissChappo 12:7___________________________________12:9/+2/+2 pig pig
Mulbs 11:9.5_______________________________________11:4.5/0/-5 tux
Old Croc 13:9______________________________________13:4/0/-5 ?..?~
Oysterboy 11:9.5___________________________________11:1.5/0/-8 tux
Pheonix Lesley 12:5_________________________________11:8.5/0/-11.5 star
Running Beer 17:2.5________________________________16:6.25/0/-10.25 tux
RunnyBunny 9:13___________________________________9:7/-1/-6 star
Sallykate 11:2 _____________________________________10:11/-1/-5 ? ~
SarahWoo 11:0_____________________________________10:12.5/0/-1.5 tux
Scottthesnail 13:5_________late starter ;-)_______________13:5/0/0 ~
slowfish 11:3.5_____________________________________10:13/0/-4.5? ~
sprouty76 12:13____________________________________12:6.5/0/-6.5 tux
Stepford Wife 11:8.5________________________________11:5.5/+2/-3 pig pig

Superflyguy 15:7______we know he's slightly irregular____ 15:3/-1/-4 ?...? ~
Ultra Kazaaaaah!!! 10:4______________________________10:1/0/-3 tux


WEEK 2 TOTAL: -28.45 lbs ‘could try harder’
WEEK 3 TOTAL: -43.6 (a very rough calculation indeed)
WEEK 4 TOTAL: -13.7ish ( a very bad week indeed so far. Let’s pull ourselves together)
WEEK 5 TOTAL: -2.4 (SO RUBBISH. Sort yerselves out the lot of yer (and me))
WEEK 6 TOTAL: -12.95 work it, baby.
WEEK 7 TOTAL: + 9.85 HTFU time
WEEK 8 TOTAL: -27.5 Let's do a pound each next week... 'K?
WEEK 9 TOTAL: -12.3 Hmmmmmmmm
WEEK 10 TOTAL: -15.15

WEEK 11 TOTAL: - 6.6
WEEK 12 TOTAL: -16.05 lbs
WEEK 13 TOTAL: -24.3lbs Not half bad
WEEK 14 TOTAL: -22.95lbs Lovely job.
WEEK 15 TOTAL: -23.55lbs Alreeet
WEEK 16 TOTAL: -7.85lbs
WEEK 17 TOTAL: -2.3 lbs
WEEK 18 TOTAL: -6.4lbs
TOTAL TOTAL : -207.9lbs :-) star decorate decorate decorate star
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