Jun 2022
8:00pm, 23 Jun 2022
90,391 posts
And yes, it is harassment and bullying. The pice has been to talk to them a few times but not recently. Thing is, harassment and tresspass are civil matters so the police can't do much. But I was thinking this week: maybe I should ask them to go talk to them again. The cameras and fences have largely kept them away but I don't have them in the food forest and that is where he clearly stepped over the fence as there was a trail in the high grass. Thing is, I don't know exactly when and the last thing I want is become as obsessive as them! Or spend my evenings going through my camera footage!
Jun 2022
8:12pm, 23 Jun 2022
90,392 posts
I am getting paint on Saturday to paint Private Property on my entrance and kerb. I am also going to order those posts you can fold flat onto the entrance. Bit of a nuisance they are but it makes it crystal clear that that isn't a verge. I am also moving my 4 ft paling that blocks my old entrance right to the edge of the road, so there is no confusion there either... I will the barrow back about 10 barrows of soil and grass and dump it along the verge, after removing my stones and using them somewhere else in the garden. See how they like that: there there: back the way it was, you see if that is safer...
Jun 2022
8:57pm, 23 Jun 2022
1,026 posts
Thing is, harassment and tresspass are civil matters so the police can't do much. Harrasment can certainly be criminal as well. The police can act and probably so can your local council. I would expect the council to have a section who deals with ASB and specifically the provisions of the The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 - most likely the Environmental Health department. Give them a call to discuss.
Jun 2022
11:02pm, 23 Jun 2022
90,404 posts
My neighbours were given an ASBO in 2020 and haven't transgressed that... They use other ways to harass me! I have to give it to them: they are pretty crafty!!! Thing is, as the vicar said: they are bullies. You do not mediate with bullies, you call the police. So I did at the time. I tried to get them to sit down and talk with a mediator at my expense but they refused when the police relayed that message to them. Probably because they know they will "loose" in their terms, as it will show them up as the evil idiots they are. The vicar also called her evil 😱😱😱 And he said they would NEVER stop. So if I want it to stop, I have to move outside their realm, at least 60 miles away... I would not be the first person to do so, sell up and leave...
Jun 2022
11:09pm, 23 Jun 2022
90,405 posts
I have no intention of moving, so I am getting used to it, or try to, and use passive methods. Making sure the council doesn't cut my garden by putting up yet more physical boundaries to keep away those that have no boundaries or at least do not respect those of others... In the past, he used to come along with his mower and strimmer to cut my verge!!! This was before I had the flowery entrance, the hedge was there. And when I just moved there, she told me I had to cut my verge or I would be fined so like the foreign ignorant I was, I bought grass shears and every weekend I would be crawling on the tarmac cutting the verge... I now know that she uses such tactics all the time: I called the police, you cannot park there/your friends cannot park there... She insists she owns the road 😱😱😱 and doesn't want anyone parking on it! I told you they aren't right in the head!
Jun 2022
11:16pm, 23 Jun 2022
1,027 posts
My neighbours were given an ASBO in 2020 They weren't as ASBO's ceased to exist in 2014 when the above Act came into existence. They may have been given a Community Protection Notice (most likely), civil injunction or a Criminal Behaviour Order - you'd definitely have known about the last 2 as you'd have likely been in court! Who served the CPN (police, council?) and what were the terms? Why is it not being followed up and enforced?
Jun 2022
11:45pm, 23 Jun 2022
90,406 posts
No, I didn't want to take them to court! The police instigated it at the time, as they wanted to help but couldn't. It was the council but I didn't want to get involved as it had escalated enough for my friend to call the police by then. Lots of gaslighting had been going on for so long that it took my tree surgeon friend to witness her lashing out at me to call the police. She was provoking me to hit her by moving really close to me and spitting me in the face. I stepped away and locked myself in my house 😱😱😱
Jun 2022
11:49pm, 23 Jun 2022
90,407 posts
It was served on her, not him... And she hasn't been near me or talked to me. In stead she sends him to walk up and down the fence etc... Hilariously, they once parked the tractor in the only spot on their farm from where they could see me! I pull up the blinds in the morning and thought: what an odd thing to do, put the tractor there. I picked up my bird watching binoculars: only to capture her, with binoculars, sat in the cab so she could watch me over the hedge 😱😱😱 I waved and dropped the blind... But I don't like sitting in the dark behind my blinds, so I just take it for granted. They moved the tractor after that...
Jun 2022
7:18am, 24 Jun 2022
7,846 posts
Dave W
Have to say that this is a course of conduct. And that is a criminal offence.
The Police in your area should be doing more than they seem to be on this. A written statement from you is evidence, and whilst corroboration is very useful, it shouldn't be necessary. Corroborating evidence is sometimes very difficult to obtain, and the Police should know this.
However, have you thought of taking pictures of them when they are looking in. Or take pictures of the footprints. Do they harass anyone else? If you know of others, point the Police in their direction as well.
It's a real shame, but some people just will not learn. Get back onto the Police, every time something happens that concerns you. Even if they just log it, it's all good evidence in the long run. Your local Policing team should look at putting a problem solving plan together to help you. Anyway, don't move whatever you do, because it just adds to their feelings of power.
Jun 2022
10:10am, 24 Jun 2022
90,416 posts
Thanks Dave! That firmly confirms my feelings: that the local police team should do more. I have taken photos whenever I could but I don't always have access to a camera/phone.
In the past I was told it was their word against mine and although she admitted everything, he denies everything and says I am hysterical and making things up... The police then said without footage from covert cameras they could not do anything more. I then decided to put the overt cameras up, which was expensive enough!!!