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The Environment Thread :-)

58 watchers
May 2022
5:41am, 26 May 2022
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New houses should definitely use them (and have solar on their roof) though there may be a few exceptions. Refitting in older ones can be problematic.
May 2022
8:29am, 26 May 2022
42,408 posts
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Jda - did you get anywhere with models?

I'm a bit confused with my research so far - small ones that can go on roof can be up to 2kW and only about £2000. But the next size up, at 6kW on it's own free standing is more like £30K. It would be nice to find something in between. I would pay e.g. £10K for 4kW (bit pricier than solar, but works when the sun don't shine).

We're prob getting a battery too, so we could be fully "off grid".

The replacement for Feed In Tariff, the Smart Export Guarantee is only 5p per kWh, virtually pointless. Better to store and use. :-) G
May 2022
8:30am, 26 May 2022
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May 2022
8:43am, 26 May 2022
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I'm a bit surprised about prices, but if you can get 2kW for £2k just buy 2, assuming you can site them reasonably (not too adjacent). Being fully open to unobstructed wind is important. You may get roughly 1/3rd the peak power as an average, if you have a decent site. 16kWh per day for the £2k seems like a good return to me!

Battery calculation should be easy, just work out how many kWh you will store overnight and use the next day, multiply by price for a return on your investment. At 35p/kWh (vs 5-10p overnight "cost"), it should be a no-brainer, I think.

Not sure what your q about models refers to.
May 2022
8:47am, 26 May 2022
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Models of turbines, I meant. The 2kW £2000 one might be incorrect. I've only just started looking!

Yes, we could possibly do multiple on top of a barn (either end), that might work well. Not sure where to get advice. I'll keep looking. :-) G
May 2022
8:55am, 26 May 2022
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I guess free-standing has much greater installation costs, you need a strong foundation and a big strong pole to mount it on. Whereas a rooftop model just assumes your house is solid - but these are much more limited in power.

Separation of about 5x diameter (I think) is probably ok, you may get away with slightly less for just 2 of them. But beware claimed peak power and what wind speed it assumes - they might end up giving you a lot less in practice.

If you ask around I bet several farmers will have them. There are certainly a few round here.
May 2022
9:17am, 26 May 2022
89,296 posts
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New houses should definitely use them (and have solar on their roof) though there may be a few exceptions. Refitting in older ones can be problematic.

The country is up in arms because they are expensive and quite a lot of people have solar. My sister heats the house electrically with solar for example. They have just invested in another €15k euros, to drive their CV plant that heats the house. They also have one of those skandinavian lig burners: a huge lump of stone around it as a heat sink. To burn their own wood for heat.
They are not least pleased they need to replace that with airsource heat!!!
May 2022
9:30am, 26 May 2022
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Re wind:
My friend and partner were here the other day and he said because of my proximity to the Brecon Beacons NP I won't get permission for hybrid solar/wind but: solar panels on both sides of my new building's roof and proper storage will do.
He also says that my 2 years from now timing is good because prices are set to come down over the next couple of years and storage solutions will improve!
I could take both my properties off the grid so to speak. I would keep paying the standing charge to remain connected, just in case I need it though. At least for a few years.
Water next!
Because of my proximity to the park again, I wasn't allowed to drill for water before but I was told those rules have recently been relaxed. I can pump up my own water with my own solar power.
The plumber assures me my "poo pump" happily pumps my macerated "cr@p" from the buildings into the food forest 75 metres away, where I intend to create a swale/reed bed.
May 2022
10:58am, 26 May 2022
4,987 posts
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run free
Rain water harvesting and grey water recycling?
May 2022
2:26pm, 26 May 2022
42,413 posts
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Just had a solar PV quote and it was... good. We will probably go ahead. Could be as little as 6-8 weeks lead time, so installed by August?! Roughly 80% of our annual elec bill will be saved. That used to only be about £900 per annum. Now, with elec bills doubling to £1800, will be a £1400 a year saving? Suddenly easy to justify! :-) G

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
I've seen environment (whether emissions, power, climate change, access to countryside, whatever you think of as "environment") discussed in various threads: Politics (obviously), the Electric Car thread fetcheveryone.com/forum/electric-car-anyone-61481/ , run free's excellent "Competitive Running and Keeping The Environment Clean" fetcheveryone.com/forum/running-competitively-keeping-our-environment-clean-60907/ my own Greta Thunberg thread fetcheveryone.com/forum/greta-thunberg---jfk-for-the-climate-generation-61044/ etc. but I haven't seen a general one.

So here it is. For those interested in the science, the politics, the action for (and I'll state that for me, this is mostly pro-environment, anti-emissions, anti-pollution etc.) and the hope for the future of our planet.

Useful links posted by contributors:
rf_fozzy: This is quite a good article about how disruptive technology works too: lesswrong.com
Basically about why Kodak completely missed the boat when it came to digital cameras timkastelle.org
run free's Grand Designs example Ben Laws is a man who built his dream: granddesignsmagazine.com granddesignsmagazine.com
Carbon Commentary carboncommentary.com
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