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The Environment Thread :-)

58 watchers
Feb 2022
8:20pm, 12 Feb 2022
3,573 posts
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That story hit the Guardian too, Hann.

Feb 2022
8:29pm, 12 Feb 2022
27,060 posts
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We have a large flood storage reservoir at work with a couple of dog bins. They were put in with my objections against them. They were removed a few years ago and the dumbass dog walkers just piled the dog shit up where the bins used to be rather than take it home and I mean pile it up so our asset team decided to put them back.
Feb 2022
8:34pm, 12 Feb 2022
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Foz, dog owners seem to buy endless crap for their dogs, on top of the food; "toys", "clothes". And don't get me started on the carbon footprint of horses / horse owners.
Feb 2022
8:44pm, 12 Feb 2022
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I read an interesting article about the impact of dog poo on the environment, in my Dutch newspaper. There are now so many of them in the Netherlands, it is becoming an issue in the woods and parks.

Was it similar to this study?

I saw something early last week, which wasn't this link but I think the same study.


I couldn't work out how the original piece was being pitched? It basically suggested dog owners should pick up all faeces AND urine, but on the flipside also suggested that walking off the beaten track or even just letting dogs off the lead would prevent over-fertilisation of heavy use spots.
Feb 2022
8:48pm, 12 Feb 2022
542 posts
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Foz, dog owners seem to buy endless crap for their dogs, on top of the food; "toys", "clothes". And don't get me started on the carbon footprint of horses / horse owners.

While I agree that the dog (and pet) industry in terms of clothes and toys is quite frightening when looking at the environmental impact, but is it really that different to the amount of endless crap we buy for ourselves.

For example it's not a perfect science, but I live in flats and the amount of rubbish the block produces is staggering. I know for near certainty that I get nowhere near my share of rubbish produced. Some of the regular boxes that are in there too. Like must be a new TV box every month.
Feb 2022
9:08pm, 12 Feb 2022
85,598 posts
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I have a dispute with Herefordshire council over my rubbish collection. They keep insisting no-one lives here because not enough rubbish is produced so they do not empty my bins!
Initially I just put half a bag out a month. Then we got a grey and a green bin but because I am a phantom, I wasn't given them and could not recycle. I had to put everything out in grey binliners.
I eventually was given rolls of clear plastic recycling sacks. Many many rolls of it! I never have to buy any bin liners ever again! Nor do my niece and nephew who will inherit 😱😱😱
Eventually, I got bins... They STILL don't get emptied most of the time. They look in, not enough there to bother, and simple drive past! I get collections every other week...
Feb 2022
9:10pm, 12 Feb 2022
85,599 posts
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That's the one!

I read an interesting article about the impact of dog poo on the environment, in my Dutch newspaper. There are now so many of them in the Netherlands, it is becoming an issue in the woods and parks. Was it similar to this study? I saw something early last week, which wasn't this link but I think the same study. newscientist.com I couldn't work out how the original piece was being pitched? It basically suggested dog owners should pick up all faeces AND urine, but on the flipside also suggested that walking off the beaten track or even just letting dogs off the lead would prevent over-fertilisation of heavy use spots.
Feb 2022
9:12pm, 12 Feb 2022
85,600 posts
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We have a large flood storage reservoir at work with a couple of dog bins. They were put in with my objections against them. They were removed a few years ago and the dumbass dog walkers just piled the dog shit up where the bins used to be rather than take it home and I mean pile it up so our asset team decided to put them back.

One of my big pet hates:
Bagging their dog's poo, then dangling it from a tree btanch at mountain biker face hight. Yes! I have had the contents of a mature one splattered all over my face!
Bagging it, then flinging it into the undergrowth.
Bagging it, taking it back to where the car is parked then leaving it there...
Need I go on?
Feb 2022
9:13pm, 12 Feb 2022
85,601 posts
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All those plastic bags :-o
Feb 2022
11:36am, 21 Feb 2022
41,530 posts
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Electricity prices dropped significantly due to the power of the wind in the recent set of storms that have come through


Can't find it on BBC, but this Telegraph article has the headline. :-) G

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
I've seen environment (whether emissions, power, climate change, access to countryside, whatever you think of as "environment") discussed in various threads: Politics (obviously), the Electric Car thread fetcheveryone.com/forum/electric-car-anyone-61481/ , run free's excellent "Competitive Running and Keeping The Environment Clean" fetcheveryone.com/forum/running-competitively-keeping-our-environment-clean-60907/ my own Greta Thunberg thread fetcheveryone.com/forum/greta-thunberg---jfk-for-the-climate-generation-61044/ etc. but I haven't seen a general one.

So here it is. For those interested in the science, the politics, the action for (and I'll state that for me, this is mostly pro-environment, anti-emissions, anti-pollution etc.) and the hope for the future of our planet.

Useful links posted by contributors:
rf_fozzy: This is quite a good article about how disruptive technology works too: lesswrong.com
Basically about why Kodak completely missed the boat when it came to digital cameras timkastelle.org
run free's Grand Designs example Ben Laws is a man who built his dream: granddesignsmagazine.com granddesignsmagazine.com
Carbon Commentary carboncommentary.com
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