Dec 2015
9:22am, 23 Dec 2015
8,025 posts
Shark the Herald Angel
Morning Skinnies/ Roughies/ Roughlers/ Diamonds - delete according to preference.
Sounds like a plan YP. Excellent dedication.
Dec 2015
9:34am, 23 Dec 2015
8,026 posts
Shark the Herald Angel
Alright, to reiterate:
'Every day on which you log training during the month earns you a point for your house. Speed, distance, type or number of activities do not matter. '
That would seem to suggest that it is only possible to gain one point per day no matter whether you run, bike, swim or x-train. The divisions by category on the leaderboard merely represent the breakdown.
IF - but only if- you are awarded an extra point for different typesof activity on the same day - then I will (at great personal cost) do a mile run every day that I'm not running at track. Which would mean approx 5 extra points by Jan 1st.
But I don't think this is the case. How can we ask Mr. Fetch?
Dec 2015
9:39am, 23 Dec 2015
6,409 posts
Fetch did say something about changing the scoring system on page 26.
Dec 2015
9:40am, 23 Dec 2015
6,410 posts
(XT-Core so far today)
Dec 2015
9:50am, 23 Dec 2015
8,027 posts
Shark the Herald Angel
EEK and also BUGGER. Ta Badger - that does seem to be the case. So - theoretically - you could earn 4 points every day? Nooooooooooo.
There will be no swimming from me. Sorry but I am not about to rush out, buy a cossie and some goose fat (very seasonal!) and jump into the Channel.
Dec 2015
9:53am, 23 Dec 2015
8,028 posts
Shark the Herald Angel
I do have a bike here at the seaside but it's not in working order.
Only two points per day from me, then, for the rest of the year. Will run and x-train every day.
Dec 2015
10:10am, 23 Dec 2015
33,175 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
I'm not going swimming today. I don't actually have the cash in hand for the pool entry fee, and besides, two days in a row of an unfamiliar sport is something I reserve for skiing.
I shall walk this morning - I have errands to do on foot, and I don't hang around - and run or cycle after work.
Dec 2015
11:39am, 23 Dec 2015
7,928 posts
I have cycled. May run later depending on kids.
Dec 2015
12:14pm, 23 Dec 2015
33,179 posts
Raptors Claws are coming to town
I've done a little walking, and will do some more after I've driven to work (the local post office was shut so I need to go to a different one). And I could feel my mood starting to dip, contemplated a short jog, then decided to lift some heavy things instead. In the interests of the team, I quit the squats after the second set because it wouldn't help anyone if I couldn't run or cycle for the next three days.
Dec 2015
12:26pm, 23 Dec 2015
8,029 posts
Shark the Herald Angel
Sounds like a wise move, I think it's B. who finds heavy weights/resistance sessions can kill her legs for distance running.
(You decided to lift after all? I've just ready your other post. Hope your mood un-dipped.)