May 2012
4:52pm, 18 May 2012
5,431 posts
The Terminator
Good work HE and Rich HL. Ruth how did the intervals go?
May 2012
9:23pm, 18 May 2012
10,438 posts
they hurt!
May 2012
10:21pm, 18 May 2012
5,434 posts
The Terminator
Good good
May 2012
3:15pm, 22 May 2012
10,448 posts
ok, am lining up 10ks on the road to this target. I know I'm a hell of a way off yet!
May 2012
3:58pm, 22 May 2012
5,449 posts
The Terminator
I am about to leave work for an interval session, not sure if will just turn onto gentle plod or a call home for a lift as am full of man flu....
May 2012
6:56pm, 22 May 2012
5,451 posts
The Terminator
Well I did MTFU (a bit) and did 8 x 400 metres as part of nearly ten miles home, fastest @ 5.49mm pace, slowest 6.20mm pace which says as much about the route as it does lack of consistency.
May 2012
9:14pm, 22 May 2012
4,807 posts
Good work TT. I did 8 X 600 @ 6:14 pace yesterday.
May 2012
8:33am, 23 May 2012
10,451 posts
This is going to be a long term goal for me. Interbvals last night, struggled to stick to 7 m/m, and doen to 7.15s for the last couple. Guess this is how we get better,
May 2012
8:59am, 23 May 2012
5,454 posts
The Terminator
Of course it is Ruth, a long term goal for me too probably, I have one shot this year on June 17th then will be at least a year before the next one so....
May 2012
9:50am, 23 May 2012
4,115 posts
Lyra OK
Great training happening in this thread! Well done, all.
Okay, so after thinking my speed's gone backwards, I've had some fairly promising sessions. Managed consistent sub 6 m/m pace for last week's 8 x 400s. Had a cracking speed session with the club last night. Was easily passing a guy on the effort sections (though I was taking my recoveries much easier than him) - chatting to him afterwards, his last 10k a couple of weeks back was 42 minutes. Fills me with hope anyway.
Quite tempted to concentrate all my efforts on the 14 June race. I *have* to make this happen now.
Ruth, long term goals are good! I am absolutely confident that you can do this. What really inspires me is looking at how runners like Puddington and Chromey have gradually chipped away at their times, they're running some fantastic PBs now.