Aug 2008
11:46pm, 18 Aug 2008
304 posts
Ex-pat Scot
16 miler 2 weeks before = fine IMHO. I wouldn't do it all tat PMP though- perhaps the last 10.
Aug 2008
11:47pm, 18 Aug 2008
305 posts
Ex-pat Scot
Also - 23-24 miles in 3:05 sounds great. I wouldn't worry that you were 20 mins over plan. Lots of variables- I tend to head off with a rough idea of time, distance, pace. Let the legs do the fine tuning.
Aug 2008
9:32am, 19 Aug 2008
162 posts
Count me in for this thread as well. I was planning to go sub-3 at London this year but a virus the week before knacked me back hard. On Saturday I was planning to DNS, but woke up on Sunday and decided to run. 21 miles at 6:45 pace then I got cramp and ran/walked to a very frustrating 3:04. Given that I'd run 1:20:30 at the Wokingham HM in Feb I was a bit gutted.
So it's on to Abingdon in October. On the face of it, a sub-3 should be fairly straightforward. I've improved all my PBs this year (if not by quite as much as planned), and I've been putting in the miles, but as a result of 2 back-to-back marathon training plans I'm a bit jaded right now.
Bristol HM in September is the next indicator, love to get under 80 minutes in the city of my birth, and I'm sure knowing the area well will help.
Snippets from reading the thread so far:
1. This spring I did 8x20 milers, with a longest of 22 miles, all at 7:30-8:00 pace, with the exception of a 22 miler at 7:06 pace (ran without a Garmin on the Bristol-Bath cycle path and ran too fast!) It feels good to be able to run 20 miles at will with no after effects. This summer I've only done 2 so far, with 3 more scheduled -it is harder to fit it the long runs in the summer with kids and holidays etc. but I am a little worried about this.
2. Tempos rather than intervals for me. Normally 3-5 miles at 6:00-6:15 pace. Although I do some longish intervals (1000m, 1200m, 1600m) as well, but not every week.
3. Midweek long run of at least 12 miles, buildign to 15 miles, done at 7:00-7:30 pace.
4. I wouldn't do 16 miles at MP 2 weeks out. Maybe 8-10 miles at 7:45mm then step up to MP for 5 miles, then jog home.
5. I ran Nottingham last year, save something extra for the last 6 miles, especially if the wind is blowing! The section round the rowing lake is very exposed. But the 1st half is wonderful.
Good luck everyone!
Aug 2008
8:49am, 21 Aug 2008
5 posts
Did a nice run yesterday 12.5 miles altogether on a mixture of trail and road did the first 5 miles at 7.30 then the next 5 at 7.00 pace then blasted out the last 2 at 5.45 pace. Legs felt rather tired at the end but luckily just running easy today.
Aug 2008
4:37pm, 25 Aug 2008
60 posts
Sub 3hr is starting to look iffy. Ran a 10k race on Saturday but only managed 38.50, then followed it up with a 19.5m on Sunday in 2h25m.
Big week this week with a 70-75m week planned including a 20miler at 7min mile pace. The positive note is that this will be me hitting the peak of my training. Find myself thinking about sub 3 constantly now along with 6.45miles. I must be going nuts
Aug 2008
1:09pm, 26 Aug 2008
164 posts
I wouldn't give up. That 10k was hardly untapered, with a HM 2 days before. And then your 19.5 mile (which was at a reasonable clip) was the next day.
20 miles at 7mm sounds tough to me as a training run on your own, certainly faster for longer than I would be able to do. Why not make it progressive, starting more slowly then finishing with 5 miles at MP? And you will be tired after a big training week.
I did 23 miles yesterday in 2:54 which I was pretty happy with, quickest miles were the last 3, but they were 7:21, 7:25, 7:23 rather than MP. In the last 8 weeks I've done 11 miles at MP or quicker, and 3 of them were in a 5k race. yet come the day I know from experience that 6:45 won't seem that quick, at least until 20 miles.
Aug 2008
4:48pm, 29 Aug 2008
62 posts
Back on target today. Took a day off to do a 20miler which was 2 x our club's 10M course, managing to complete it in 2.18. What I'm really chuffed in is that I did it with no rest days whatsoever. Even more chuffed that my 5miles splits were 35, followed by 2 x 34s then finished strong with a 33min 5Mile. And I didn't have that horrible feeling that comes on after 2hrs of running. All I need now is to crack a good time at next week's Glasgow Half. If I can produce a 1.23 then I know I'm definitely in shape.
Aug 2008
4:53pm, 29 Aug 2008
13,851 posts
Those 20 milers are very fast, Twopies. If you can do those without knackering yourself for the coming week's training then I'm very impressed. I'm in the MP+60-120 sec per mile school, so they take me a lot longer!!
Aug 2008
2:00pm, 31 Aug 2008
63 posts
Well thats me hit the peak of my training. 270 miles this month and 72 in the last week. Most miles I've ever done in a month and feel the stronger for it. Should all become slightly easier now. Less Miles and more quality from now on.
Sep 2008
10:15pm, 7 Sep 2008
68 posts
All the hard training kicked in today. Ran 1h23m at Glasgow Half which was 3mins quicker than my last half 5 weeks ago on an easier course. 30secs slower than my PB 5yrs ago but it was the strongest and most comfortable I've ever felt on a half marathon. Only 2 x 16 milers to go now before Berlin in 20days. All downhill from here.