May 2016
9:33am, 3 May 2016
18,878 posts
Search me. I first ran it when it was a much smaller scale event and I preferred it that way. For me it's local, but that's about it.
May 2016
11:37am, 3 May 2016
14,213 posts
Daz, I think a lot of it is hype. But, it is also the 3rd Autumn 1/2 in this neck of the woods with Grunty Fen (no longer) GER and St Neots. People tend to fair better here as they have had longer to train for the race distance IMHO.
And it's got a 3 mile 'downhill' finish.
May 2016
12:29pm, 3 May 2016
318 posts
Daz Love
Oh yeah that big downhill finish I remember from last year!!!
May 2016
1:42pm, 3 May 2016
11,902 posts
It's the fastest HM course there is, that's why. It's a great course. Nowt more than that, but that's enough...
May 2016
1:51pm, 3 May 2016
18,882 posts
Certainly *my* fastest.
May 2016
2:42pm, 3 May 2016
3,590 posts
Hadn't realised that Grunty Fen was no more. That's a shame.
May 2016
3:25pm, 3 May 2016
14,214 posts
Yes C, Ely Runners have decided to pull it from this year.
May 2016
5:05pm, 3 May 2016
10,355 posts
I didn't realise Grunty Fen had gone also. Never done it, entered a couple of years ago and picked up an injury a couple of days before
May 2016
5:35pm, 3 May 2016
9,544 posts
Carpathius *pompoms*
I entered this morning with no apparent issues but haven't received an email confirmation. Anyone else?
May 2016
5:44pm, 3 May 2016
431 posts
St. Neot's had its reputation because it was extremely well organised, friendly with a good club feeling to it and easy to get to . Plus the course is quite scenic when there is no fog, and it is quick despite the undulations. I didn't run it last year, the first year it was organised by an outside agency instead of Riverside Runners, but others commented that it has lost its local club feeling and become too big. Despite that, I may still enter this year because of the course.