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Ipswich Half Marathon - New Start and now two laps in town

3 watchers
Feb 2013
9:32pm, 22 Feb 2013
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mr d
I can't find a map of the new course, but on the site events.ipswichjaffa.org.uk it says they are moving the start to Christchurch Park and making it a two lap race.

I am sure there are very good reasons to do this, maybe to keep the race in the black and I will hold my judgement until I run it, but my initial thoughts aren't positive even though the start will be a five minute walk from my house.
Feb 2013
9:39pm, 22 Feb 2013
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What is the problem? Is it a bit like moving the race from Pembury to Peckham?
Feb 2013
9:47pm, 22 Feb 2013
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mr d
Used to be one lap, two lap course are less fun. The second half of the old course was rural and had long straight sections, the town half of the course was full of twists and turns and hills. It was also nice to have a track finish.

Parking was an issue before, but could be more so here as the roads around the park will undoubtedly be part of the route and most of the surrounding streets are (like mine) built pre car ownership they are already filled with cars. There is park and ride into town and obviously cars parks in town within walking distance, just depends if the start is at the top or the bottom of the park.
Feb 2013
9:52pm, 22 Feb 2013
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wiener dog
Is this fairly flat? I need a good flattish half to get a 'proper HM time' all my recent halfs were over or under distance.
Feb 2013
9:54pm, 22 Feb 2013
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Two lap races are excellent! For so many reasons. Obviously it is a personal opinion but there are some people who would say that nothing less than a seven lap race provides real satisfaction. Mostly these people are marathon-mad and a little bit bonkers, but in a nice way. :-)
Feb 2013
10:02pm, 22 Feb 2013
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mr d
I'm hoping to do Stowmarket next month which is a lot flatter. The old course had a couple of climbs, not like the Lake District or the Isle of Man, but Ipswich isn't flat.

I can't find a new map, but the course is described as undulating and the park where it now starts you climb approx 45 metres in height in the 3/4 of mile from top to bottom. Not exactly Steel Fell, but not the Fens either.
Jan 2017
11:45am, 25 Jan 2017
6,216 posts
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New route announced for Ipswich half and now called The Great East Run (which I thought was the name of the Peterborough half anyway??)
Entries now open

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Maintained by mr d
I can't find a map of the new course, but on the site http://events.ipswichjaffa.org.uk/ipswich-hal...
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