SpreadEveryone: The Fetchland Excel wire
102 watchers
Nov 2023
10:58am, 5 Nov 2023
12,550 posts
It's her guitar! She took a photo and did the shape from that. Still getting weirdness going on and am now wondering if there's something not quite happening correctly with some equations when I copy from Google sheets to Desmos. |
Nov 2023
11:02am, 5 Nov 2023
12,551 posts
here's a link to a copy of the graph. Plotted in Geogebra to get the coordinates which I'm using in Google sheets. Suspect it's all just a bit beyond me... desmos.com |
Nov 2023
8:11pm, 5 Nov 2023
716 posts
Are you using some sort of line fitting functionality in Google Sheets, or just playing with the parameters in an equation to try and fit it yourself? (Sorry - still trying to get my head round the 'problem'!)
Nov 2023
11:36pm, 5 Nov 2023
717 posts
Sorry - I can now answer my own question - having had a quick play in Google sheets, and actually read your original post properly!! I think part of the issue might be where you are trying to do ‘vertical’ lines - e.g. at either end of the guitar. These don’t really work with a “y = some polynomial of x” formula (because effectively we have lots of value of x for a single value of x). You could express the formula the other way round - so for the end of the headstock it would be: x = -47 {-4 < y < 4} And for the bridge end you could use an ellipse. For example here’s my attempt at glueing two ellipses together: |
Nov 2023
5:10pm, 7 Nov 2023
12,578 posts
Thank you - I had been thinking an ellipse for the end as well. We were in panic mode as she originally had to submit the work yesterday, but the whole class has been given an extension so a bit more time to think about it. It's for her International Baccalaureate so will contribute to her final grade.
Nov 2023
11:52am, 17 Nov 2023
2,324 posts
Hope some of you lovely people can help me out! I am running a search to identify patients in my practice who have had 1 or more than one stroke or heart attack. Two of the same count as more than 1, i.e. I want to highlight those with 2+ strokes, not just those with one of each. From my search each event appears separately. I have my searches, exported to .Txt files and I can import and use vlookup to get the right names against the conditions. Is there a way to highlight where patient id numbers appear more than once in the table? I can do it manually but it is labour intensive and I'm keen to automate it if possible. I'm looking for a reverse version of 'remove duplicates' or a way to highlight multiple entries. Thank you! |
Nov 2023
11:53am, 17 Nov 2023
2,325 posts
Sorry, perhaps unclear. 2 strokes, 2 heart attacks or one of each all count as 2.
Nov 2023
12:06pm, 17 Nov 2023
314 posts
It depends what your data looks like Heinzster, but it sounds like a question that a Pivot table could answer quite quickly and easily.
Nov 2023
12:07pm, 17 Nov 2023
22,627 posts
Conditional formatting for "highlight cell rules" > "duplicate values" would do what you need I think.
Nov 2023
4:52pm, 17 Nov 2023
7,905 posts
As already said, pivot tables sound as if they would work. Or sort the table/data by patient id numer, and add a column to highlight duplicates, eg IF (Annn=(Annn-1). "Dup","") Then filter on just Dup |
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