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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Slow and Proud (SAP) Club

77 watchers
Dec 2017
10:15pm, 2 Dec 2017
2,464 posts
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Dec 2017
10:39pm, 2 Dec 2017
26,367 posts
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Lip Gloss
bunting WW
Dec 2017
10:44pm, 2 Dec 2017
2,537 posts
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Well done WW! I read on FB that there was a last minute course change and the people who did a full marathon had to do 12 laps - what happened?
Dec 2017
11:55pm, 2 Dec 2017
5,831 posts
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Well done WW. Read the same thing Fragile and also wondered
Dec 2017
8:17am, 3 Dec 2017
30,181 posts
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Well done WW - massive piece of bling and a great distance! medal :)

I haven't done anything for a couple of days as I thought I had the dreadful cough lurgy approaching. I'm getting a bit paranoid about getting that one as, as Mandy knows, it takes ages to bugger off and get back to normal. I'm hoping the rest has done the trick as I don't feel any worse today and haven't started coughing properly so I'll get out for a nice walk today and hopefully be able to run again tomorrow. :)

Hope you all manage a good bit of running today, as it's got a bit warmer out there.
Dec 2017
8:55am, 3 Dec 2017
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
The park forgot to mention that they are extending the road so part of the route is not accessible. I must admit the revised course suited me as I changed my reps, had a drink and some stretching between each one, it was only the last one that I struggled on.

I did feel for those running up and down the hill +12 times but most seemed to enjoy it!
Dec 2017
11:00am, 3 Dec 2017
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Week 9 blog written up for anyone who is interested.

I hear that they have managed to revise the Betteshanger route today so an alternative loop of4.37 for those on their last day of 10in10
Dec 2017
8:28pm, 4 Dec 2017
3,216 posts
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Evening all. Firstly, huge congrats to Womble for the HM at Betteshanger! Cracking medal and a great blog too!

Secondly, not much running to report, work is a bit of an excuse but really just not had the time and energy.

Thirdly, Mr Lemon had the idea of making wooden snowmen, we have lots of logs to burn but he fancied getting creative, so the above group of snowmen are sitting on our table and I have just added the facial features and scarves etc. Twigs for arms will follow tomorrow. Excuse the pun here, but this has snowballed because we were just going to make a couple of them but all our friends and family want them too now! Could do with a week off to get a load more made now, and he's hinting about having a go at making a reindeer next! :-)
Dec 2017
8:36pm, 4 Dec 2017
26,418 posts
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Lip Gloss
Great news WW
Wow L10 wish I lived closer I would buy some from you.

Managed to get to my 700 mikes on Saturday so December is a bonus and hopefully if it's as mild as last year I want to aim for the 100 again but I will just take each run as it comes.e
Dec 2017
8:37pm, 4 Dec 2017
30,213 posts
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:) How cute.

I've been resting on my sofa for a few days and my cold is really getting a hold today. I went to PT this morning but he sent me home so everything's cancelled for the week as I hope it won't turn into something really nasty - I have become a bit paranoid about it. ;-)

About This Thread

Maintained by
star star we are the Slow and Proud Club (formed on 04/02/12) This thread was formerly an offshoot of the Absolute Beginners thread star star

Come and join us - we do not judge people on their pace and you will receive lots of encouragement.

We are proud that we are getting off our couches and getting out there, no matter how slow!


*** target events for 2020
*** target distances for 2020
*** target annual mileage for 2020
*** other SAP goals for 2020
[revised 05/10/20]

medal Nutso - half marathon medal

XXX GimmeMedals - Run Your Heart Out 10k (cancelled due to weather)

XXX Lip Gloss - Smokies 10m (DNS due to other events)

XXX Lip Gloss - Declaration of Arbroath 700th Anniversary Half Marathon (11th) POSTPONED
XXX Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (19th) POSTPONED
XXX Alpenrose - M12K 2020 Marnhull (19th) CANCELLED
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (26th) POSTPONED

XXX Lip Gloss - Chariots of Fire 5k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Cranleigh Trail Half walk (10th) CANCELLED
XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (17th) POSTPONED



XXX Lip Gloss - Hatton 10k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - South Coast Challenge [walk first quarter c15 miles] (29th) POSTPONED UNTIL 2021 (NOW SIGNED UP FOR 50KM)

* Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (rescheduled date) VIRTUAL EVENT

XXX GimmeMedals - Great South Run (18th) CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Beachy Head Marathon (DEFERRED TO 2021)
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (rescheduled date) CANCELLED

XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (1st - rescheduled date) CANCELLED


Womble's Goals
1) Keep doing my leg exercises and add ankles to the plan
2) Cto5k/10k my way
3) Concentrate on 5k then 10k times
4) Try to get to +300 miles in a year (plus 1000 walking miles)
5) Arrive at the BH marathon start line fit and healthy, and have fun whilst covering the challenge


Mulb's Goals
1) to start building some strength and flexibility work into my week
2) to get back in to walking every day for at least 30 mins
3) to shift some of the extra heft I've gained this year

To be archived: docs.google.com

[edited Dec 2019]
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