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Sleigh bells ringing - Fetch Secret Santa 2018 edition

31 watchers
Dec 2018
8:00am, 6 Dec 2018
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Ooh mines been posted!

Some years I’ve been inspired and found it easy to buy, less times I don’t have a clue and that’s usually because I have a silent recipient. Similarly with the gifts I’ve received, a couple have been very apt and very touching, some have been more generic, but still appreciated that someone made the effort to send something.

It took me a while to get inspired this year but I’m pretty happy with the result.
Dec 2018
8:55am, 6 Dec 2018
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I've done this since possibly the beginning (I organised it for a couple of years and as always hats off to the new elves who've allowed it to continue), I love FSS, the idea of buying a gift for someone you don't (necessarily) know but you have a common ground with I do love.

I have to say some years are more difficult than others, some people do chatter a lot on fetch and you can pick up some little clues along the way, others are more difficult if they don't chat as much.

I have had some presents so spot on others as Meg say more generic, but always useful and very much appreciated.

Hope my victim likes the gift I chose this year, I'd have been happy to receive it so fingers crossed.
Dec 2018
9:38am, 6 Dec 2018
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The Scribbler
I have the reputation of being difficult to buy for in my family, and always have to make lists or send out ideas. So I love that my FSS is always a surprise and have had some really thoughtful gifts from Fetchies.

I really hope my victim likes their gift this year. I can't wait to see all the reveals!
Dec 2018
10:10am, 6 Dec 2018
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I try to follow any hints that I pick up from my victim - easier for some than for others! But I can't actually force them to like it.

BTW I have both received my gift and posted my victim's but I can't update the spreadsheet from work and keep forgetting to do it at home.
Dec 2018
3:36pm, 6 Dec 2018
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My parcel has been delivered. On the thread it said I may open the jiffy bag or could leave it for further suspense but Wanda would not leave the parcel alone and kept jumping up at me to try to open it herself so I did open the Jiffy Bag and among the gift wrapped items in there was one for Wanda. I suspect if the way she has been behaving around the parcel is anything to go by it will not be sensible to leave it under the tree 'unsupervised' so that one will be hidden with the rest of her stocking!! But she is delighted and so am I. Thank you Santa (and Santa Paws)
Dec 2018
3:46pm, 6 Dec 2018
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What does everyone else do when they get their present?
Do you hide it away or have a good feel to see if you can guess what it is?
I think I have an idea what mine is ........... or I could be totally wrong. Only time will tell ;)
Dec 2018
3:53pm, 6 Dec 2018
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As the items came out of the jiffy bag I couldn't help but notice their size shape and texture but I have tried not to do too much speculative feeling (oo err). However Wanda has no shame and I suspect hers may have something that is tasty to canines in it from the reaction as I opened the parcel.

When sending I try to wrap the gift so that even if the recipient does try to guess what it might be, they may not be able to be sure they are right until they open it......
Dec 2018
3:56pm, 6 Dec 2018
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Boxes are good for that I find BBL ;)
Dec 2018
6:06pm, 6 Dec 2018
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Lizzie W
It's arrived!
Dec 2018
4:29pm, 7 Dec 2018
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I have arrived home to a parcel from Amazon. Which is curious because I haven't ordered anything!

Santa's note suggested I could open my parcel but I'm a bit dubious about that if it's come directly from a retailer. Which they didn't mention, so maybe it's a VERY surprise parcel!

About This Thread

Maintained by westmoors
Instructions for the 2018 edition of Fetch Secret Santa:

1) Send an Fmail to westmoors with the name and address you want your parcel sent to by 31st October 2018.
2) Join the group linked to this thread linked below
3) Drop hints for what you would like to receive!

When you receive the details of your victim:
4) Stalk said victim and determine their interests.
5) Purchase gift(s) you think they will like to a maximum spend of £10.
6) Post gift by 1st December. Keep your elf informed if you are likely to miss this date.

7) Wait by your post box for your gift.
8) Sit on hands until the big day!

On the big day:
9) Open your gift and share with everyone on this thread.

Spreadsheet to record progress is docs.google.com
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