¡Deck the halls with boughs of holly! ¡It's Fetch Secret Santa 2015!

47 watchers
Oct 2016
8:36am, 11 Oct 2016
3,701 posts
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I am going to brave and start a new thread - eek.....
Oct 2016
8:37am, 11 Oct 2016
10,549 posts
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sounds like a plan Mandymoo. Im no help with the the technical stuff though
Oct 2016
8:43am, 11 Oct 2016
3,704 posts
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About This Thread

Maintained by Longwayround [LWR]
Yes, it's that time of year again, dig out your festive earrings and your Santa hats, I hereby declare the official opening of the FETCH SECRET SANTA 2015 hat decorate :-)

If you haven't yet signed up, sorry, you've missed the sleigh: we look forward to seeing you in 2016.

Please take into account that the mail might not be as fast as Rudolph: it would be appreciated if all gifts could be POSTED by the END OF NOVEMBER. (If you live outside of the United Kingdom, please post even earlier.)

Please update the spreadsheet ( onedrive.live.com ) to let us know when you have posted your victim's goodies. Similarly, please update the sheet when your goodies arrive. The sooner all those lovely boxes get filled, the sooner the elves can kick back and start on the Aquavit. We WILL get stroppy with people who do not respond to messages after the deadline. Please don't be that person. If something untoward happens, please let your Elf know.

Don't be elusive once you've signed up as most of the fun is in the stalking and learning about your victim. You could think about pimping your profile and adding your list for Santa of things you like and types of gifts you enjoy. Also add your likes and dislikes etc below.

I've slightly increased the budget this year to around a tenner. However, that is only a guideline. Don't be disappointed if the Antiques Roadshow values your gift rather lower.


From the Fetchmas Elves - Longwayround (LWR), WA, Star, geordiegirl, minardi., Mandymoo x

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