Apr 2014
2:32pm, 22 Apr 2014
2,610 posts
Looking forward to it (even the greenway!!)
Apr 2014
3:14pm, 22 Apr 2014
13,252 posts
The Greenway x2
Apr 2014
3:43pm, 22 Apr 2014
2,611 posts
For you, yes, Jigs aren't you lucky (I still remember seeing you along there in 2009 - you weren't running - you took a photo of me which is still on facebook somewhere!) - I was struggling having paced the run very badly and it was good to see a familiar face!
I also remember us having a little fetchpoint along there in 2008 with eL Bee, Trumpton Riots, RichK and Gaubfar's OH when I was pregnant
Apr 2014
3:43pm, 22 Apr 2014
193 posts
What's the deal with the Greenway? This sounds ominous!
Apr 2014
5:35pm, 22 Apr 2014
13,253 posts
Mrsdistraction - The Greenway is lovely, very flat. Just a bit quiet, apart from the cyclists, dog walkers and ramblers.
...and maybe the odd tramp.
Apr 2014
6:44pm, 22 Apr 2014
3,258 posts
Watford Wobble
I like the Greenway but mind the bunny holes.
Last one back buys the dinner
Apr 2014
7:23pm, 22 Apr 2014
2,612 posts
MrsD, as the others have said, it's a disused railway line, flat very light gravel surface. Good for even pacing but can feel quite warm on a hot day (but I think the forecast looks good, not hot so shouldn't be an issue).
Apr 2014
9:28am, 23 Apr 2014
194 posts
Awesome, nothing to worry about then Hopefully I'll be running in an Alzheimer's Society t-shirt, if they ever get it sent out to me in time. If not, probably a Wolf Run shirt. I will try and say hello to Fetchies if I see you!
Apr 2014
10:06am, 23 Apr 2014
2,613 posts
No, nothing to worry about mrsD :-). I will be in club colours (green with red stripe across) but will be wearing my fetch buff on my head as a hairband!
Weather watch - looking good at the moment, about 11degrees, some sun and poss a light shower, light wind, currently showing as tailwind down the greenway, yeah! Obv too early to hang everything on it, but looks positive!
Apr 2014
12:36pm, 23 Apr 2014
21,240 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I may well wear my Fetch shirt as i am not racing the half, otherwise i will be in corby colours of light blue with red band, not decided yet